Nurseries and Baby Gear

downsides to BJ City Elite?

I had been planning on getting the Bumbleride Indie, but my husband thinks the BJ City Elite may be a better choice. I definitely like the fold better . . .but it is also 6 pounds heavier and almost 4 inches wider.


Just curious if anyone who has the BJCE has any complaints . . . I think either stroller would be a good choice, just have to actually make the choice!


Re: downsides to BJ City Elite?

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    I think the big negatives are the size and the weight. I also think the basket is kind of small on the City Elite. I bought a City Elite but have been having some second thoughts and considering going to look more seriously at the Indie.

    I think the canopy is better on the City Elite. The tires are forever tires, so you don't have to worry about keeping them inflated. The fold is obviously awesome on the City Elite and it's also $100 cheaper (it's $358 on amazon right now). 

    I like that the Indie is smaller and lighter. The basket looks more accessible. The footrest adjust looks better. It comes with a a rain cover and a cupholder and a seat bar.

    I can't really find a lot of negative reviews for either one, which is part of the reason I am having trouble deciding. 


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    Ok, I just went to the store and looked at them again and we are sticking with the City Elite because:

    - fold is so much easier

    - takes up less space in the trunk because it folds flatter than the Indie (we brought both out to the car to try them out)

    - handle has more of a range and goes up higher (DH is very tall so this is an issue for us) 

    - Canopy is bigger (I don't know that you would even need a rain cover with the city elite because the canopy is so huge)

    - Canopy has more flaps to see the baby/for ventilation 

    - Easier to adjust the seat recline on the CIty Elite than the Indie

    - It's cheaper 


    Negatives of the City Elite

    - Basket is less accessible

    - It's wider, so it might be harder to maneuver in stores/tight spaces 

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