Nurseries and Baby Gear

ipod dock for nursery

did anyone get an ipod dock for their nursery? I am looking for one on the smaller side. definitely with a clock. I guess it doesn't need to have a radio. anyone know of one that might do double duty and have built in sounds too? like a sound machine. TIA
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Re: ipod dock for nursery

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    We got the cheapest one from Bed Bath and Beyond. It's small, it has a clock, and a REMOTE (more important than the clock). We downloaded our own white noise and put it on repeat, it's great.
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    We're going to get the iHome iH15:


    It doesn't have a clock, but the box changes color, so it does double duty as a light machine.  As the pp said, just download any sound machine sounds you might like.

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    Kohl's had them on sale Friday and we got one that looks like this:

    I also had a 15% off and got it for like $35.  I tried to find a CD player with a clock, but didn't have any luck, so I will just use our ipod and download our CDs we have for the babies onto itunes. It also has a radio and the clock was a must have for us!  They were selling these at lots of different stores so I'm sure you could find one for a deal!

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    We're going to get the iHome iH15:


    It doesn't have a clock, but the box changes color, so it does double duty as a light machine.  As the pp said, just download any sound machine sounds you might like.

    We got this one from BBB and it's awesome so far. No clock or radio though.

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    We just got a cheap one from tj maxx, ours has no clock but they did have some that did. If you have an iphone there is an app that you can download with different kinds of ambient sounds, I love it!
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    We got a refurbished CD player/iPod dock from  I honestly haven't used it one bit with DD at night yet, just during the day (usually while she is awake).  A remote could come in handy for nighttime, though.

    As for a clock, we purposely didn't want one - most of the docks or CD players we found with a clock display were reviewed as being too bright.  You really want to be able to control the amount of light in your LO's room.  

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    We got one with a remote and a clock. ?I figure that will come in handy when nursing :)
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    We got this one a while back- I have one in my classroom as well and love it; however, it does not have a remote. 

    Married 10.27.07
    DD 11.20.10
    BFP #2 8.25.12 M/C 9.3.12
    BFP #3 10.25.13 EDD 7.8.14

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    We just bought an iHome from Walmart. It doesn't have any other functions other then being a battery powered set of speakers (no clock, alarm, radio, etc.), but it was only $20. We plan to just use my old nano since I never use it anymore now that I have an iPhone for the car/around the house and a shuffle for my workouts. I really like that it's small and simple and doesn't require an outlet so I can put it on the top shelf of the bookshelf by our rocker in the nursery, but I do wish it would also charge the actual iPod while it rests on it. I figure since it's within arms reach from the rocker I can always press the iPod wheel to see the time if necessary. I will admit though, I think it might be annoying to regularly charge my iPod from another source, even though I don't plan on using it too regularly (don't want baby to be dependent on music/white noise for sleep). It is nice that it's super small & portable though. Just like PP said, if you want to try the white noise you can always download it from iTunes or find CD's with it on it. You can also try the Sleep Sheep for portable white noise/heart beats, etc. I've heard great things about those and they are pretty cute too! 
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