Nurseries and Baby Gear

Moby, Ergo, BabyHawk

I have a Moby now that I enjoy using but I am thinking once my baby gets older it won't be as comfortable and easy to carry her.  So my question is, would you rather have the Moby, Ergo, Babyhawk or completely different carrier. 

Also, how long is too long in the Moby or any carrier for that matter? 

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Re: Moby, Ergo, BabyHawk

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    If you look at the archive there are a couple ergos on there at $70.00 with $5.00 shipping. Probably won't last

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    I used my Moby almost every day for the first 3 months.  Loved it.  Then I switched to my Ergo Sport.  Again, loved it.  I still use the Ergo for back carries (although I'm not sure for how much longer with a 23 lber and my pregnant belly).
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    I used the Moby for the first 4 months, and she spent hours every day in it. I'd say she averaged 3 hours/day...but some days were probably more like 6.

    Then we moved to the Ergo Sport...I originally bought it for my DH to use and thought I'd get myself something else but I like the Ergo so just use it. I also use a Rebozo style sling for a hip carry for errands. It's easier to carry then then Ergo if she won't be in it the whole time. 

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    We have a moby, ergo and babyhawk. I bought the babyhawk because I really liked the tie style of the moby. Then I found the ergo on babysteals and it was a great deal so I "tried it" and figured I'd sell it if I didn't like it. It's MUCH more comfortable than the babyhawk! I LOVE it and wouldn't trade it at all! Eventually I hope to sell the babyhawk because it makes my back hurt. 

    I should add that I'm 24 weeks pregnant and DD is 16 months old and I'm still able to front carry her in the ergo, although not for much longer! 

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    I have a moby and a beco and LOVE them both!!!!!
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