Nurseries and Baby Gear

Need ideas for redoing a yellow nursery...

My DD's nursery has pale yellow walls and sage green accents (glider, changing table cover, bins on the changing table) and we currently have a Twinkle twinkle little star theme going with her bedding. She is moving to her big girl room before I have LO #2.  I want to redo the bedding, curtains, and artwork on the walls of her nursery, for baby boy #2, but I want to leave the yellow walls and green accents to save some money.

I want this room to not be so babyish - more fun or modern so am looking for bedsheets or color combos that would work with yellow or sage. I am not really into the bedding sets anymore-especially the boy ones. Has anyone seen any cute boy rooms with cool color combos that might work with yellow walls? We also have white furniture. I was thinking maybe turquoise or navy? I just cant find any pictures or inspiration online!! Help! TIA!

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Re: Need ideas for redoing a yellow nursery...

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    My nursery is also pale yellow.  I am going with green and brown accents in a nature theme.  I know you are not looking for bedding, but this is my starting point:

    I am not sure what else I am going to do in the room yet though.  If you find any great ideas let me know. :)

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    we have yellow walls and bought the bedding and drapes from Land of Nod- All God's Creatures. If you PM me your email address I'll send you pics. It's dark brown furniture with orange and green accents. We were team green so its not over boyish.
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    For Remington, we have yellow walls with White Tree Decals and Green Birds. He has a sort of "woodland creature" theme with his bedding. Tree Tops by Carters I think. Decals are always fun because they come right off and no need to repaint. You can find some really neat ones on Etsy. It's where we got ours.
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    I like the idea of adding some brown accents for a tree/outdoors theme, still using your yellow, green, and white. A few accents, new sheets, and a couple pieces of artwork could pull it together.

    Or how about navy accents and doing something more nautical? That still works with the yellow, green and white. Again, just sheets, wall art, and and a couple accents and you're good to go.

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