Nurseries and Baby Gear

WDYT Crib Bedding (Clicky Poll)

Re: WDYT Crib Bedding (Clicky Poll)

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    I voted baby boy, but if you added some pink accents for a girl, I think that it could work for both.

    ETA: It's really cute. Where is it from? It's not one of the common sets that I have seen everywhere!

    DS#1- Born August 2011 

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I voted baby boy, but if you added some pink accents for a girl, I think that it could work for both.

    ETA: It's really cute. Where is it from? It's not one of the common sets that I have seen everywhere!

    I actually ordered it and then cancelled my order.  We won't know what we're having yet for another 4 weeks and I was going to stay neutral, but then after looking at the votes and staring at the photo, I just can't imagine that possibly being a baby girl's room.  If we are having a boy I might regret cancelling later.  LoL, Ah, the joys of impulsive shopping!

    If you like the set, I got it from  It's called Sweet Dreams by Jessica Breedlove.  It's a 6-piece set for $99 and free shipping.  There are also a couple of matching accents like pillows and a lamp shade that are marked down as well.  Definitely a great deal!  (Note:  It's being discontinued, so I don't know how much longer it will be available.)

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