Recommend a front loading washer? My dryer died and we've decider to replace the pair with something new and energy star rated...I'm looking at an LG front load vs an LG top loan and I cannot decide. Does anyone use a front load and love it? Hate it? Help me decide!
Re: Would you or would you not...
I have had a front load washer for the past 3 years and love it. The front load uses less water so that saves some money. The two things you need to get use to are that to load/unload the washer you need to kneel down and when you unload the washer all the clothes are tangled together. If you get storage stands it might be a bit better because you don't need to bend over so much to switch each load, but I didn't invest in these and don't mind kneeling while I flip loads. I am not CD yet so I can't comment on that part of it.
GL on your decision.
I have heard that they can cause problems with getting CDs clean enough, because they gauge the amount of water to add by the weight of the load. But if you throw in a towel or 2 you can get enough water to go in to make the problem go away.
We had front loaders for a short time (borrowed my brother and SIL's while they were living with my parents waiting for their house to close) and I loved them. They had the storage drawers underneath so I didn't have to kneel and they were fantastic. I want a set for here (we have a normal set, came with the house when we bought it) but don't have the room for front loaders in my utility room.