When I look at an U/s printout, and say i'm looking on the left sac, is that my left side or my right side ?
Secondly, the RE told me that the left sac is quite "far" to the left and to call immediately if I double over in pain? Has anyone experienced this type of comment ? I also have a tilted/tipped uterus.
What can I do if anything to help it move more towards the center ? Sleep on my right side more and hope gravity will help? lol
This was pretty much the only thing she cautioned me about at this point in time.
I should have asked these things during the u/s but I was too bewildered at being told I'm having twins and can't wait two weeks before getting answers.
Re: Couple of questions
I wonder if they are worried about the baby on the left pushing on a nerve in your hip or something since it's so far over? Just a thought.
And I'm not sure about the u/s pic...I have been assuming that Baby A who is on the left side of the pic when you look at it is actually on the right side of my belly. Like if I held the picture to my bump facing out, that is where they would be, but I could be wrong on that!
I asked what it would mean if I do end up having severe pain, like what would happen..and she didn't answer me directly. Only to call.
I'm not gonna worry.
Here's a pic of my u/s... How's it look? I know it's not very clear....and not sure why in the top pic you only see 1 sac.