Alabama Babies

What items do I need?

So as my due date is getting closer I am trying to make sure I have everything ready for my LO when he makes his debut. Of course I have his crib, blankets, clothes, diapers, ect. Is there anything that you wish you had bought before baby came for the first couple of weeks?

I know I won't be in the shopping mood for a while after he's born and my DH is a terrible shopper.  So what basic items should I make sure that I have for those tough first weeks?



Re: What items do I need?

  • Do you have a swing, bouncy seat & something for him to sleep in other than the crib so he can be close to you like a PNP, bassinet or co-sleeper?  If so, then the only other things I can think of would be gas drops for him, a Boppy, breast pump/bottles, alcohol & swabs for his belly button, vasaline & gauze for his circumcision, baby nail clippers, bath stuff, and don't forget about stuff for your recovery like pads, tylenol, hemorhoid medicine, and a good nursing bra.  HTH!
  • Oh, one more thing!  Oxyclean spray for accidents like leaky diapers, spit up, etc.  I've used it more in the past month than ever before!
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  • Thanks that is very helpful. My baby shower is this Sunday so I will see what we get and go buy whatever is left.
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