
I'm all alone

I'm in my house all alone.  DH took the boys to daycare today so I could clean, cook and bake to get ready for tomorrow.  I am also going to fit in magazine reading/napping.

This is such a weird feeling!

Re: I'm all alone

  • sounds fabulous - enjoy!!!
  • I feel alone - and i still have the twins here, lol. It's SOOOO much easier to just have the twins and not my 3y/o --- he's at daycare today and i have the day off with the babies (my mom watches them on the Wed's that i work).

    i have a few days off when all 3 are in daycare coming up - DH and i are going to clean out the basement and a few other huge things we need to do around the house... i can't WAIT for those days!!!

    enjoy your day!!  don't worry if nothing gets done - just enjoy yourself !

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  • Ditto, enjoy!!! :)
    Born at 36 Weeks, 2 Days

    Luke 6.12 lbs, Alexandra 5.15 lbs.

    April 5th, 2007-Isabella and Robert. We miss you. Born at 22 weeks, 2 days.

  • Oh that sounds like heaven! Enjoy your day!!!

  • Even with the cleaning/cooking, THAT is a day off.  Enjoy!!
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