TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages.
Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011.
DD is Anabelle-- we use one "n" because if hell ever does freeze over and I actually allow a nickname, I wanted the stress to be off of Anna as I dislike the name by itself. I think it is beautiful spelled any way, though. Hoping it doesn't get TOO popular but I have a feeling it is on the rise...
I prefer the spelling Annabel (nod to Poe) and I generally prefer middle names to be meaningful, and Grace seems like a filler here. Something about the combo strikes me as excessively frilly.
Re: Annabelle Grace
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BFP #2 ~ 4/22/2010 ~ EDD 12/29/2010 ~ Born 12/19/2010 ~ My Rainbow Baby
BFP #3 ~ 6/10/2012 ~ EDD 2/20/2013 ~ HB 100bpm @ 9w3d ~ M/C 7/11/2012
BFP #4 ~ 3/16/2013 ~ EDD 11/20/2013 ~ Born 11/17/2013 ~ Rainbow Baby #2
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