I use my BG's at night as LO seems to sleep longer but the last 2 nights I have had leaks out of her legs. I think I'm getting them tight enough at the waist. The front of the diaper is not completely soaked but the back is pretty heavy. LO is long and I guess has small thighs (not sure. She's my first). Could it actually be an absorbency issue already? Or more likely just user error?
Can I add a doubler? I only have small hemp ones. where the heck would I put it?
Sorry for the 20 questions. Any help is appreciated.
Re: BG xs leaking in the legs
The Bee Hive Blog
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When my BG XS's started leaking we moved him up to the smalls and had no issues- the XS's were just not big enough to hold it all.
He is 6 months now and already in the larges...lol
Mommy to J: Born 5/11/2010 & B: Born 8/26/2013
She's only about 7.5 lbs. and I have tried on the smalls but they are huge! They go at least halfway up her back.
I'll try a doubler first. I hope hse grows into her smalls. I will be so disappointed if BG's don't work!