...every year, my parents "threaten" to get K (now both girls) one of those stupid battery-powered sports cars for Christmas. I hate those things, and hate the idea of my parents spending $300 on a gift for what I struggle to keep a fairly simple holiday. Besides that, we live in a hilly neighborhood and almost never go in the front yard, and there isn't enough room to drive one in the back yard. It would collect dust and I'd feel guilty about it being such a waste...especially since my parents cannot afford it but will charge it, anyway. I have asked, and now TOLD them, to please not get one, and they will not quit--my mom just posted pics of one on FB and is "campaigning" among our family/friends about how the girls NEED one. It's seriously starting to piss me off. Would this annoy you?
Re: I'm preparing to be flamed for Scroogery here, but...
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Can't you just leave it at their house?
We have one (the Arctic Cat) and the kids love it. They can just do laps around our yard all day and be in heaven.
I guess it's a gift, and if they choose to buy it - then so be it. I have ILs that can't afford their bills, let alone buying elaborate gifts, buy the'll still spend outrageous amounts of money for the holidays. They're adults, and I can't stress over it.
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
I wouldn't make a big deal out of it personally. If they really WANT to do this for your girls and can afford it, eh, why not? I think that pretty much any kid would love it. The car might annoy you, but the girls would probably be thrilled regardless, LOL.
As long as you have someplace to store it I'd graciously accept. Even if your girls don't have the opportunity to use it often they'd still have fun with it on occasion, then in a couple of years when they've outgrown it you can hand it down to someone else or Craigslist it for a bit of cash.
Then again, I might be the wrong person to ask. I think I probably have a totally different perspective on Christmas- I LOVE the gift giving aspect. I LOVE giving gifts (both store bought and homemade) to the various children in our lives (because really, IMO Christmas is all about kids) and seeing their thrilled reaction.
or they could, and the girls just wouldn't use it often.
Maybe just explain to them about why it isn't a good thing for your house (no back yard, hills, etc) and let them know that you won't be able to keep it (it's a major storage item also.....so if you just have a 2 car garage you won't have anywhere to keep it). Then if they do end up buying it, sell it. May sound harsh, but you warned them, right?
No flames, I'd be upset as well.
Also, I noticed your blog (Parents Teach). We've trying to find ways to work with the kids on the letters and sounds, so I'm finding this to be a very interesting and helpful read.
I'm with Cleo.
Also, this is not something I would get myself all worked up over. In the big scheme of things, SO not worth it.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
This and to those who said accept and then return it with the statement of "I told you I didn't want it" are you really that rude, spiteful, and inconsiderate in real life? Goodness, it's a toy and they will probably LOVE it. I just don't see the harm and I'm sure it would make the gift buyer so happy.
I'm with Cleo on this one...
They are their grandparents, they are suppose to spoil them, it's what they do. Plus IMO I don't think it's right to tell someone what they can or can't get as gifts. I would never think of telling my parents they can't get the boys something that they really want to get them.
and for what it's worth, we have 3 of those things taking up space (two of them were yard sale from other family)
Not somehting I would stress over.
Would your husband drive it? Both of my older kis LOVE it when DH drive his/theirs. He also has a remote control helocopter; they just love it when DH "chases" them with it as he flies. It's a lot of fun and its an easy way for MH to connect and spend time with the kids, doing something they all love.
I would be annoyed but maybe you can make some good out of it...I also agree wtih lilpiglet grandparents spoil and telling someone "no thank you" to a gift they really want to give is kinda rude.
ETA: I thought you were talking about remote control cars, but you are talking about ride ons. My bad. My kids like them but they do take up a lot of space. I know park in the drive and their cars in the garage!