Cloth Diapering

A few ?'s

Hey ladies,

i have been lurking on here for a while but I still have a few questions.  Any answers/advice would be greatly appreciated!

1)  When buying used (previously loved) diapers how do you prepare them for your LO?  I bought some the other day and the gal said she only used Rockin' Green, do I need to strip?  And if I do how do I proceed?

2)What are the "no no" ingredients in laundry detergent that you are trying to avoid with cloth?  I have some Norwex laundry detergent that I love, and I'm hoping that it would be okay for the diapers.

3)  When buying a few new diapers, how do you prep them?  It seems wasteful to run a full load several times for  2-3 new diapers.

and finally...

4)How many Kissaluvs size 0/prefolds make a load in a standard sized washer?

If you have read all this, thank you!

If you have any answers, thanks x2!Big Smile

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Re: A few ?'s

  • I dont have all the answers but here's some info..

    The following site has a chart listing offending ingredients: 

    Prepping depends on the type of dipe. Synthetic materials (microfiber, pockets, microfleece) just needs to be washed once. Natural fibers need to be prepped seperate from synthetic and typical require a few washes. I've washed a new diapers with my baby's clothes or towels (to not waste water) using cloth diaper friendly detergent.

    Hope that helps some!

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  • Thanks for the link!  There is some fantastic info on there!
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  • 1. I never strip my used diapers. I just wash and dry once and add them to the rotation.

    2. I just went by the guide on one of the CD websites as to detergent. Someone recommended RnG and I haven't looked back.

    3. I wash and dry once alone, then throw them in with the other diapers for the rest of the washes.

    4. I have no idea

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