I need help.
I love the name Lucas and was set on it as our baby's first name BUT we wanted to use Albert as a middle name (after my grandfather). ?Our last name begins with a "B" so the initials would be L.A.B....which isn't that bad except that we have two Labrador Retrievers and I am worried that people will think we are overly obsessed with our dogs.
Do you think this should be a concern? ?What are your thoughts on Lucas Albert B______ as a name?
Thanks for your help!?
Re: Another initial post...
Our family blog
Way over thinking it. I thought, LAB, like in laboratory because I am a dorky scientist. My initials are SEM and my coworkers either think standard error of the mean or scanning electron microscope. I am fairly confident that my parents had NO IDEA what these even were when I was born.
Also, I don't think people even think about initials when you announce the birth. At least they didn't seem to with DS.
Then my friends are dorkier than yours. My baby's initials are the same as a scientific phenomenon, and we got ribbed about that. Of course, my husband and his friends are unusually obsessed with initials, and he deifnitely worked it out for every baby name we had. Me, I'm of the opinion that unless it spells A$$ or KKK, I don't care.