We are having a hard time finding a NAME for a little boy due in Jan....We are set on the middle name Richard but cant find a FN we both like...Would like something that sounds a little bit "cowboy"...but we know a lot of kids already with cute "cowboy" names...so makes it hard. ANY HELP! PLEASE!
I'm open for LOTS of suggestions at this point! I feel like I'm running out of time!! haha
If it helps our last name is Hanson
Re: Boy name for MN Richard?!?!
What about Eric? My DH is Richard Eric, but I think Eric Richard sounds nice too
I don't really know a lot of cowboy names so I'm no help there. All I can think of is Wyatt, but I dont' think it flows that well with Richard.
Max Richard
Beau Richard
Luke Richard
Bryson Richard
Clayton Richard
Colton Richard
Aaron Richard
Garrett Richard
Holden Richard
Shane Richard
Adam Richard
Travis Richard
Trevor Richrad
Tanner Richard
Wesley Richard
Zane Richard
I saw someone wrote Wade i liked that alot and being a country fan i think it sounds cowboyish my husband is Richard Alan and i think Alan Richard sounds nice too..