Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
What a nightmare. Any way possible to give them cash back at closing in order to take care of the matter? Or find out the $$$ of damage and subtract that from the selling cost?
AAAAAaaaaaand my dad lost my child support check while we were moving.
A whole $61.24, but still. I had left it specifically in the mail box so it wouldn't get misplaced while moving on Saturday (it came Saturday).
He got the damn thing OUT OF MY MAILBOX. Swears it is on the kitchen counter at my old house. No, dad, it isn't. Checked there about six times and it isn't hard to over look since there is a rotary board/mat/tile on my counter and a new kitchen faucet. That is it. Oh, and a candle. It.isn't.there.
What a nightmare. Any way possible to give them cash back at closing in order to take care of the matter? Or find out the $$$ of damage and subtract that from the selling cost?
Nope, I had to repair a couple of other things that came out of proceeds, so there are NO proceeds.
Literally breaking even.
And my ex? He can come up with the money. Of course, he is saving on rent, utilities, groceries etc because he just moved in with his dad because apparently he couldn't afford the booze and independent living.
5 nights a month he has L. 5. F-i-v-e. Went to the local bar this weekend to have a few drinks (restaurant/bar downstairs; upstairs slutty mcslutterson club). Where was he? At the bar. I turned crazy ex-wife and called him out this weekend because he was supposed to have L. I finished my 3rd beer and went home by midnight.
Went to the local bar this weekend to have a few drinks (restaurant/bar downstairs; upstairs slutty mcslutterson club). Where was he? At the bar. I turned crazy ex-wife and called him out this weekend because he was supposed to have L. I finished my 3rd beer and went home by midnight.
Woah, wait? So if he was sitting at the bar where was L? With ex's father?
3. Im mad that he's all free and clear of responsibility (well- aside from 60 bucks and five visits a month...) and you have to struggle.
is there a way to revisit the balance of responsibility in this situation??
I get 61.24 e/o week.
Nope, I can't reassess child support even though circumstances have changed because it has been under a year and we both agreed to the child support amount. (He does pay L's health insurance.) I have began paying out of pocket for daycare with no assistance from him because I was dreading taking L to his mom's everyday, so I moved him. Now, KCSEC says I can't redo child support until 1 year.
And, within 120 days of the sale of this house, I am to refinance my car because his name is on it. I am so upside down in the car (rolled negative equity from his truck) that every finance person I have talked to said that I will end up paying MORE than what I am paying now in addition to a new down payment. F.u.c.k.mylife.
God girl! I wish I could be there to help you out. I'm so sorry about your check-it HAS to turn up. It just has to. And so sorry exh is such a fuuckwad. And I hope the termite fix isn't too $$$.
Woah, wait? So if he was sitting at the bar where was L? With ex's father?
Further more, he wasn't sitting down in the restaurant like we were. I spotted him when he came down from slutty mcslutterville to use the restroom. I bolted over there and asked where L was. Deer in the headlights look! Then the girl he was talking to, I made sure to tell her that he was supposed to have his son tonight, but he didn't. Immature? Yes. Felt good? Hell yes.
Re: I knew it was too good to be true. Effmylife.
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
AAAAAaaaaaand my dad lost my child support check while we were moving.
A whole $61.24, but still. I had left it specifically in the mail box so it wouldn't get misplaced while moving on Saturday (it came Saturday).
He got the damn thing OUT OF MY MAILBOX. Swears it is on the kitchen counter at my old house. No, dad, it isn't. Checked there about six times and it isn't hard to over look since there is a rotary board/mat/tile on my counter and a new kitchen faucet. That is it. Oh, and a candle. It.isn't.there.
Nor is it in my new house.
Nope, I had to repair a couple of other things that came out of proceeds, so there are NO proceeds.
Literally breaking even.
And my ex? He can come up with the money. Of course, he is saving on rent, utilities, groceries etc because he just moved in with his dad because apparently he couldn't afford the booze and independent living.
5 nights a month he has L. 5. F-i-v-e. Went to the local bar this weekend to have a few drinks (restaurant/bar downstairs; upstairs slutty mcslutterson club). Where was he? At the bar. I turned crazy ex-wife and called him out this weekend because he was supposed to have L. I finished my 3rd beer and went home by midnight.
Woah, wait? So if he was sitting at the bar where was L? With ex's father?
1. I am so sorry dude.
2. if he was at the bar WHERE was L??
3. Im mad that he's all free and clear of responsibility (well- aside from 60 bucks and five visits a month...) and you have to struggle.
is there a way to revisit the balance of responsibility in this situation??
Ex's mother. (divorced)
LIVID. Granted I had a baby sitter the night before. Why? Because I was up until 1 in the morning packing and moving our child's whole world.
I get 61.24 e/o week.
Nope, I can't reassess child support even though circumstances have changed because it has been under a year and we both agreed to the child support amount. (He does pay L's health insurance.) I have began paying out of pocket for daycare with no assistance from him because I was dreading taking L to his mom's everyday, so I moved him. Now, KCSEC says I can't redo child support until 1 year.
And, within 120 days of the sale of this house, I am to refinance my car because his name is on it. I am so upside down in the car (rolled negative equity from his truck) that every finance person I have talked to said that I will end up paying MORE than what I am paying now in addition to a new down payment. F.u.c.k.mylife.
God girl! I wish I could be there to help you out. I'm so sorry about your check-it HAS to turn up. It just has to. And so sorry exh is such a fuuckwad. And I hope the termite fix isn't too $$$.
((((((((HUGS))))))))))) x1000!
Further more, he wasn't sitting down in the restaurant like we were. I spotted him when he came down from slutty mcslutterville to use the restroom. I bolted over there and asked where L was. Deer in the headlights look! Then the girl he was talking to, I made sure to tell her that he was supposed to have his son tonight, but he didn't. Immature? Yes. Felt good? Hell yes.
(((HUGS))) I can't even imagine going through what you've been through lately.
Can the nesties "adopt" you and L for Christmas? It sounds like it would really help you!
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church