
My twins are here!! Story and question.

Hi everyone

I had my baby girl and boy on November 11th at 36 weeks 1 day! Bailey Marie and Brody Vincent were born at 2:23 and 2:25 Pm, the day after my birthday! She was 4 lbs 11 oz and he was 6 lbs 1 ozI guess they didn't want to share! My story is actually not too long or detailed. I woke up with wet underwear but figured it was urine but I kept getting wet everytime I left the bathroom so I told my DH that either I had lost complete control of my bladder or my water was breaking. I called the Dr. who said to go to the hospital. When I got to triage in L&D they discovered my water had definitely broken and put me in line for a c-section. So we got the hospital at 10:30 and had the babies by 2:30 it was crazy! The c-section went better than I expected. However Brody was having trouble breathing so they took him to NICU. His sister was doing great though and came right to recovery with me.  

We stayed in the hospital for four days with Bailey staying with us all day. We did send her to the nursery at night just to get some sleep. It was also very emotionally and physically exhausting to go to NICU to see Brody and have to leave her in the nursery so I was worn out. He kept having trouble with the suck swallow breath reflux so he stayed in the NICU until Sat. At that point he came down to see me and had an episode where he stopped breathing and had to go back up. Scariest moment of my life. So we just go him home yesterday and he is doing great. Still scary feeding him but I know what to do if he has another episode.

So now we are all home and things are going well. I have to admit the anxiety is hitting me harder than I thought it would. I think I'm going to call the Dr. for some meds. Anyone else have to do that and if so did it work? Do you ever wonder how on earth you were going to take care of two babies? Thanks for the support. I'll post a picture soon. 



Re: My twins are here!! Story and question.

  • Congrats!!! Beautiful names :)

    I was on Effexor, an anti-depresant that helped with anxiety, and than moved to another med I can't think of before switching back to Effexor. I definitely think it helps with my anxiety. I don't know how your insurance is, but with mine I had to go see a 'therapist' every few months to be able to get a prescription. Pain in the butt, but worth it!!


  • congrats! good luck with the adjustments. i'm sure youll do great.
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  • Congrats!  So happy that both babies are home with you and that you are doing well.


    The thought of leaving the hospital w/ both preemies scared the crap out of me.  Then knowing i was going to be taking care of them alone at home, scared DH and I even more.  However, we got a hang of things rather quickly... and actually get a little annoyed when we have visitors b/c they take us off schedule.  : )  You'll do just fine... just stick to a schedule!!  Best of luck. 

    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Congrats!

    Don't be afraid to ask for meds if you're feeling overly anxious.

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  • Congrats!!!

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  • Congrats!! As a therapist, I would say meds are worth a try.
  • Congrats!  I was so anxious I could hardly eat or sleep.  I was so scared of what the next day would bring.  Looking back that was NOT me at all.  At 8 or 9 weeks post partum I called my doctor and told him what I was feeling and he prescribed lexapro.  I started feeling better in about a week, and by 4 weeks I felt myself again.  My doctor said to take it for 6 months.  I am so glad I made the call and started a medication.  It has helped me to be able to enjoy being a mom.  I have not experienced any side effects.  However, I am able to think more rationally and not get so overwhelmed by everything.  Good luck!
    IVF #3 10/09 BFP! 12dp3dt Beta #1 = 319 14dp3dt Beta #2 = 565 21dp3dt Beta #3 = 10,475! u/s showed twins!! IVF 12/12 BFP! image Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Many people on here claim they are dying to bring their babies home from the hospital... I on the other hand remember being excited to bring them home, but crying a bunch because I was so scared that we didn't know what to do.   It took a couple weeks to get the hormones a little mellowed out, and a few days to realize that we really could handle it.  If you feel you need meds, definately don't hesitate.  I was tearful for a week or two and anxious, but things did calm down.  Any longer than that then I would've sought some assistance.  Either way, Congratulations!!!

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  • Congrats mama! Your babies were born the day before mine! I was on effexor before I found out I was pregnant and I tappered off of it at 5 weeks when we found out (the withdrawl with morning sickness was rough). 16 weeks were started having issues and 18 weeks my husband asked my obgyn to put me back on something. I was honestly trying to be hero and go the whole time without anything. I am so thankful my husband asked my dr about it, at first I was a little offended but the anxiety was killing me. I was put on wellbutrin and honestly I dont know how I would have made it this far without it. My girls will be in the nicu for 13 weeks and I understand the emotional roller coaster you are on because I am there. It of course does not take away the majority of anxiety about my girls but it definately helps. I am a strong supporter of taking care of yourself. Also, I am pumping for my girls and the dr said it was okay to take that while pumping!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Thank you so much everyone!!! It helps so much to know I'm not alone! I just keep thinking about hwo I'm going to do this alone and worried about the winter blues. Its probably a good idea to start something now so that it doesn't catch up with me. I love them but it sure is more work than I anticpated!!!
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