Does anyone use it? Love it? Hate it? We went to a CD class and she highly recommended it and was selling it hard. Wasn't sure if she truly loved it or was making a sales pitch!
We use Allen's and I like it so far. We do have staining though and I've read some people use Tide and have no stains. If it got the stains out I would love it, but I can live with it.
I think I got a big jug of Allen's for like $36.00 and it says it will last us about 500 loads. So I won't be changing anytime soon..
Re: Allen's Detergent
We use Allen's and I like it so far. We do have staining though and I've read some people use Tide and have no stains. If it got the stains out I would love it, but I can live with it.
I think I got a big jug of Allen's for like $36.00 and it says it will last us about 500 loads. So I won't be changing anytime soon..