Not really looking for opinions on the name, you can give them if you want but I'll still love it. It's the only boys name I've loved for years.....and DH doesn't like it.
He's trying, but he said he just can't get used to it. We tossed it around before we knew DD#1 was a girl, but he still said he just didn't know.
Anyway, the combo right now is Abram Lucas. He's not a HUGE fan of Lucas and I am hoping that if I come up with a better combo he might like the name better.
So, any suggestions for middle names to go with Abram??? I really need to refresh this combo.
Re: Abram
I really like the name- would you call him Abe for short? Reminds me of that Real World character years ago who was adorable.
Do you have any family names that might go well? Last names, first names?
Too be honest I'm having a hard time coming up with middle names for Abram. Gabriel? Joseph? Charles?
Haha what's funny is I actually started liking the name "Abe" when I saw Road Rules Latin America. There was an Abe on the cast with dark hair who was cute and I liked his name. But yes, the Abram from Road Rules is very cute, too
I've tried to think of family names but nothing really seems to fit.
I love the name Abram!!!
Abram Alexander
Abram Luke (I tend to prefer Luke)
Abram Samuel
Abram Matthew
Abram John
Abram Robert
Abram Daniel
Abram Thomas
Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
<a href="
Love the name Abram.
Is there a name he is really wanting for a first name? Maybe try sticking his favorite name in as the middle name and see how he likes that combo?
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
He wants Oliver for a first name which I think is cute but it seems to be getting really popular around here. I'm trying to get him on board with Abram Oliver.
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