
5-pt car booster - no idea where to start

My son's car seat has a max weight of 40 lb, and he's close. He's 4. What am I looking for???? I know 5-pt is ideal, but what else? I'd like to keep the price to around $100. Those $300 models just are not in my budget right now.

If the new seat goes up to 100 lb or something, is there an age limit to how long he can be in that seat? Not sure if state laws dictate that. I'm in PA.

If you recently bought one, I'd love if you would provide a link to yours so I can get some ideas. Thanks so much.

Re: 5-pt car booster - no idea where to start

  • What seat is he in right now? At close to 40 lbs, and 4 years old, I would assume he's outgrown his current seat by height. What is his actual weight, and when did he turn 4? What is his maturity level? Do you feel he could stay seated properly in a belt positioning booster 100% of the time, or do you feel he needs the 5 pt harness?

    For a 5 pt seat, I will suggest the evenflo maestro. It's about $80 and has the same harness height as the nautilus. Neither seat is notorious for making a great booster, but from what I hear, the maestro has a better chance of being a good fitting booster than the graco nautilus, which is about $150. 

    Based on the info you provide on exact age, weight, and maturity, I may suggest you buy a belt positioning booster, because there's a strong chance you'll have to buy a dedicated booster once he outgrows the harness. 

    The maestro harnesses to 50 lbs, I believe, but it's going to be outgrown by height before weight for virtually all children any way. Can you elaborate on what you mean about the age limit? You'll have to look up your state's laws, but all they require is that they are using a seat by manufacturer's instructions, usually up to the age of 8 years and 80 lbs, but it differs from state to state. 

  • I thought the maestro had been recalled.    ??? 

    ETA:  never mind.  I just read this:
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  • He's in a Britax Roundabout. Something similar to this:

    He is 37.5 lb with light clothes on. When he has his jacket on and I put him in his seat, I can just snap it at the legs--not much room. He is 4.5 years old. Maturity level--he's laid back and doesn't move around much back there.

    He has used his cousin's booster before, and he has a hard time sleeping in it on car rides. His head has nothing to rest on. I would like him to be comfy enough to take naps, because he will not take one at home!


  • Oooooh, I can say with 99.99999999% certainty that he has long outgrown it by height, and he needs a new seat ASAP. If you get a good quality booster with nice headwings, he'll be fine to sleep in it. Ethan rode in ours all the way to Florida over night and never slumped out of it. Since your budget is limited, I'm going to suggest buying a better quality booster than a $40, and skip the harness seat, if you truly believe he'll sit in it correctly. If you buy one of the harnessed seats, you can count on having to buy a new booster in a year or two (you may end up being surprised and be able to use it as a booster, but don't ever count on it!).

    I love our sunshine kids monterey. Unfortunately, the lowest I see right now is $111.99 (no tax, free shipping). Let me know if you can't swing that and I'll continue to help you! You really do need to get him a new seat as soon as possible--I would limit your trips until you get a seat, because it's really not safe for him any more. A high back booster with headwings will definitely be safe and comfy for sleeping. I'm betting he rode in a backless or something without headwings before. 

  • The height limit is only 40" on the Britax Roundabout so he's probably outgrown that seat by height. My DD1 outgrew her Roundabout when she was about 3.

    We have a Graco Nautilus for her, which is nice and I've been happy with. But since he's a bit older, if you think he'd sit in a high back booster, I'd go that route.

  • I'm in PA also, and the law is:

    Pennsylvania state law requires that children under age 4 ride in a federally approved car seat ot booster that is appropriate for the child's age, height and weight. Children ages 4 to 8 must use a booster seat if they are no longer in a car seat.
    If he still fit in whatever seat you get him past the age of 8 though, you could continue to use it. My DH's godfather's son is still in a high back booster and he's 11.
  • Me again. I also have a DD who recently turned 3, is 32 lb, and was 37.5" 3 months ago. Would you buy her a Monterey Booster now also, or do you think she can go a little longer in the Britax? If you think she should be in the booster also, I will get her one. I need to be more on top of things!!
  • I just got the Sunshine Radian 65, which should last any 90% or under kid until 7 years old.  I got it for $145 from  I got a coupon on slick deals for 20% off and they had 20%.  The coupon was for any sunshine kids seat.  CARSEAT20  You may also be able to use this too: coupon15 which would get you close your pp.

    Height is a much bigger concern than weight.  Who has a 100 pound 7 year old?

    I have it for my DD.  It is a great seat. Low profile, so it doesn't look like a baby seat and they can get in and out on their own, goes to 53" and 65 pounds (which is at least 7 years at 90% according to the CDC weight chart.)

    I love that I can get in and out of the middle seat in the back of my car without having to be a pretzel.  Both my kids like it.  


  • That's the one! I would definitely not buy it for your daughter, as they should really be at least 4 years old and 40 lbs (I'd be okay with your son, though, since he's close). She has most likely outgrown the roundabout, too. It's outgrown when the shoulder is above the top harness slot, even by half an inch, or when the top of the ear is above the top of the shell of the seat. I'd look into the maestro for her. By the time she needs the monterey, you'll probably be able to go with a $20 backless booster for your son (she should fit in the monterey for 3 years or so).
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