Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss


I miscarried on tuesday but saw my doc yesterday to confirm after an ultrasound - i have been bleeding since then but he said I still may have some tissue left and wanted to use cytotec to clear anything out... I was given 2 - 200mcg tablets to take and also tylenol 3 to take  1/2 hr before to deal with cramping... i experienced almost nothing - well except for unconsciousness from tylenol 3's. I had pretty much the same bleeding i have had for 2 days as well as minimal cramping - i was cramping worse yesterday AM before taking cytotec.... Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? Did it not work? I called my doc but he had left for the day so the on call doc said yes that can happen....that's it? I was expecting the worse pain in my life and horrible bleeding...I had neither. Could that mean I don't have anything left in there? Doc said they rarely do D & C's now because Cytotec works so well.... I'm confused
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP!! Oct. 28 2010 - Natural MC Nov. 16 at 7 wks BFP!! January 17, 2011

Re: Cytotec?

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    I'm so sorry for your loss.  I had to take cytotec on the second day of my   D & E and I remember having the same experience as you, with the bleeding and minimal cramping after I came home the second day.  Hope you heal well...
    2009: 1st IVF began 12/29, cancelled due to OHSS; 1st full IVF began 2/10 ER 2/27 ET 3/4 BFN 3/13; IVF #2 began 5/23 ER 6/4 ET 6/9 BFP 6/18 Lost our baby on 9/12. 2010: IVF #3 (w/PGD) began 2/1 ER: 2/15 ET: 2/20 BFN 3/1; Took a break for hernia surgery and recovery; IVF #4 (w/PGD) began 6/30 ER 7/13 ET 7/18 BFN 7/27; IVF #5 began 10/23 ER 11/5 ET 11/10 Low Pos 11/19 BFN 11/22; Took a break: got a 2nd opinion,changed insurance,chose a new RE,and recharged emotionally. 2011: "Back-to-Back" IUIs on 6/4, 6/6, and 6/7 BFN on 6/21. "Back-to-Back" IUIs on 7/3 & 7/5 BFN on 7/19. "Back-to-Back" IUIs on 7/30, 8/1 & 8/2...the journey continues into 2012 with three more IVFs and 6 more IUIs...now looking at IVF with donor egg Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Read my post below.  I took 12 Cytotec pills yesterday.  Went through flu like feelings with vomitting all day.  Still not one speck of blood.  So as rare as the doctors would like to believe, Cytotec is not 100%.

    Hopefully the docs will be able to figure something out.


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