Can I go ahead and start buying CD's now, before I even conceive? haha! I am super excited and REALLY REALLY want to use CD's! I have a cousin that uses them and she absolutely loves them! I am pretty sure once I start buying, I will never STOP!
I have been "lurking" on many sites and still have soooo much I need to figure out before diving in and purchasing but, I just really want some NOW! I want to receive some "fluffy mail" as my cousin calls it! Hahaha!
Re: Would it be weird?
Um, yeah... I've done it.
We have one more cycle to go and then it's on. I just can't pass up the good deals.
I have 7 BG 3 seconds that I got brand new off Craiglsist ($57)
I have 2 GMD workhorse seconds ($7.50) and some prefolds that I'm dying and embellishing for baby shower burp cloth gifts (or I may keep them )
I have 2 BG XS that I got with the JD coupon ($6)
My husband thinks I have escaped from the loony bin (in an endearing way.. I think)