Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

i just feel terrible

Yesterday was my EDD (est due date?) and I got through it okay. Today, we ran into our neighbors at the elevator, and they told us they're 8 weeks pregnant.

I got back into my sweat pants and curled up in a ball on the couch. When will this stop feeling so terrible? When will I be able to be around pregnant people without feeling my own loss? I think DH has accepted it and moved on, but I still feel terrible. I got so much better last month, but this last week, with the EDD approaching, it just started to feel as bad as it did when we first found out.

any thoughts or comments are much appreciated. thanks ladies!

Re: i just feel terrible

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    First of all, I am so sorry for your loss. It has almost been a full year since my first loss, and honestly, I don't know if it does get easier, it just feels 'different'. It didn't help that I got pregnant again and just had another loss. The feelings are starting all over again.

    There were times I was doing great, then I would find out another friend would get pregnant. I actually had 3 friends pregnant at the same time. I felt horrible that I wasn't thrilled for them. Well, I was happy for them, but was more miserable for myself.

    All I can say is let your feelings and emotions out. Don't hold them in. I think things do get a little better. You will have set-backs. Just be kind to yourself.


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    It's been four years since our first loss and there are still some pregnancy announcements that just sting. I think I've gotten better about it over time but sometimes I just wish that was us.
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