Birth Stories

Matthew's birth

september 19 i got up about 10 am with some very mild contractions nothing different than what i had been feeling. went to church at 3 they started gettin a little more intense i decided to go to the hospital to get checked nothing changed. i was still 2-3 cm and 60%. now i had been to the hospitalto be checked b4 and eeverytime id get there my comtractions would stop!!!!! well they did this time too il right b4 the dctors told us to leave and i was contracting every 5 minutes but i still hadnt dilated anymore so they sent me home. uGH!!!!!! we started going down the highway and the contractions started gettin more intense within an hour of leavin the hospital i was headin back up there in labor got up to labor and delivery and i was 6 cm and 100% they tried givin me morphine but it didnt touch the pain i was there maybee 10 mins and my water broke!! i finally got my room they checkeed me b4 i got my epidural and i was 9.5 cm WITHOUT meds!!!!! luckily i had no back pain!!! they checked me about 30 mins later and i was 10cm but theye wanted to wait until  he moved down my birth canal by himself at 4:30 am i started pushing hee was born at 5:14 a.m. he weighed 7lbs. 6.5oz. and he was 18 34 in. long!!!!

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