
with all the christmas gift talk...

Do you send something to your caseworker for Christmas? Is it even allowed? We have a close relationship with our caseworker so I would like to send her something but wasn't sure if it was ok for them to accept things like that? I was thinking of a card & gift card or something like that.

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Re: with all the christmas gift talk...

  • I don't know specifically about CW but I work at a non-profit where all of our services are free (so people can't be getting "kcik backs" for the work we do) so they aren't really allowed to accept any gifts of much value. They can accept "token" gifts like a card, a box of candy. A "token" gift was a bit ambiguous so we had to put an actual dollar amount on it and for us its $25. I'm sure it would be fine to buy your cw a small gift jsut to say thanks.
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  • I hadn't thought about it... but I didn't care much for my case worker that we had last Christmas.   
    Now that you bring it up and I like my case worker, I may send a starbucks card or something trivial w/a nice note. 

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  • I have not yet had a placement that has worked out but I like my caseworker too. Maybe if I get a match that works out by then I will send her something small too!
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