Do you send something to your caseworker for Christmas? Is it even allowed? We have a close relationship with our caseworker so I would like to send her something but wasn't sure if it was ok for them to accept things like that? I was thinking of a card & gift card or something like that.
Re: with all the christmas gift talk...
History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012
I hadn't thought about it... but I didn't care much for my case worker that we had last Christmas.
Now that you bring it up and I like my case worker, I may send a starbucks card or something trivial w/a nice note.
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."