Ok...So this was always a question I had that I NEVER asked......that picture reminded me..
Sooooooo.....when I was taught to nurse with #1, the lactation consultant said over and over and over "make sure the mouth covers the areola"......mine apparently are regular baby mouth size, so it worked fine.
That baby's mouth would have to be Mic Jagger like to do that......
So, is that a standard rule they say to everyone, and big areola girls have to hope for big mouth babies??? or were my areola (is that even the right word.....sheesh I haven't had coffee yet) sized up by the LC and deemed mouth size for the baby???
Re: s/o: bf pic with ginormous bubby
Deep Thoughts, with R
I working on my doula certification and one of the requirements I just completed was to take a BFing for professionals class. Anyhow, during the class we were told that piece of advice is commonly given but is very much incorrect. Some women have areolas the size of half-dollars, other women have areolas the size of bread plates and there's no way a baby's mouth is fitting over that! The most important part is that the baby is not sucking just on the nipple itself (ouch!) and that they also have as much breast tissue in the mouth as possible. The baby should have a wide open mouth and be sucking on the areola and/or breast tissue, not the nipple.
This is a correctly latched baby with a mother with a larger areola:
My LC with DS commented on the exact size of my areola (a la Cleo's description). She even said that since mine weren't very big that I should aim for having the whole thing in the baby's mouth.
Come to think of it, my LC was not overly helpful.
My boobs were AT LEAST that big when bf'ing. The LC's just told me to make sure the baby's mouth is opened wide and to get as much in there as possible.
The most helpful advice I got was to squish my boob like a hamburger before shoving it into my child's mouth.