Baby Names

Invitation to judge my baby name...please!

I am 28 weeks pregnant and me and my husband have finally come up with a name for our daughter. We had a hard time on agreeing on anything except for one of the middle names (Raye, which is his middle name Ray), so we decided that she will have three names.

Journey Arielle Raye

What do you all think. any honest opinions welcome. I dont plan on telling anyone till she arrives, but im dying to get some anonymous feedback. as far as the reasoning for the names, i chose Journey because i love what it represents. Every endeavor in life is really made worth while by its "journey". Plus it may also mean a traveler. Me and her father love to travel the world and would love to pass that love on to ourkids. Arielle was my husbands choice, i guess he just liked the way it sounds. He want to pronounce and spell it like the little mermaid (ariel), but in order for me to tag my daughter with that name i had to doctor it a little. lol. so it will be prounounced ari-elle, french for lion of god (though the meaning is not significant to the choice). And Raye, of course is a femme version of her fathers middle name.


Re: Invitation to judge my baby name...please!

  • Honestly?

    She's just a small town girl. Living in a lonely world.


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  • Not a fan of Journey. At all.
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  • I like the name because it has meaning to you and your DH.  You are not just planning on naming your baby some random, far out name for no reason. 
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  • Journey is just bad. Sorry. I understand your reasoning, but you really don't have to name your DD something icky just to pass on your love of travel. There are plenty of other ways to instill those values in her.

    I suggest Arielle Rae (this spelling). 

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  • It's NMS at all (like, at ALL), but you're spelling Journey correctly and if it has meaning to you and DH . . . go for it.  I've certainly seen way worse.
  • It's NMS at all.  I think that you have put thought into it, but like a previous poster said, can you just use Arielle Raye?  Maybe use Journey as the second middle name.


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  • I like your sentiments behind the name, but I do think Journey as a first name is a lot to saddle a little girl with.  It would make a fabulous middle name, though, and Arielle is really pretty.  I would suggest going with Arielle Raye Journey.  Arielle/Ariel is a name ANY little girl would love to have, and her friends would all be jealous of her princess-like name.
    I don't know what's up with my siggy and I am too lazy to figure it out.
  • I also like the suggestion of Arielle Rae.  Or Arielle Rae Journey if you absolutely have to, but Journey sounds like you're either a hippie or a lover of the band Journey

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  • imageschnappycat:

    Journey is just bad. Sorry. I understand your reasoning, but you really don't have to name your DD something icky just to pass on your love of travel. There are plenty of other ways to instill those values in her.

    I suggest Arielle Rae (this spelling). 

    THIS, definitely. Journey is NOT a name, IMHO.

    Arielle is beautiful!

  • One of our first girl names was Journey Shae. People made fun of it so much that I had to let it go. Like, my mom and brother would sing a different Journey song everytime they saw me. People were flat out disgusted by the name. (I still like it lol). And especially with Glee and the recent resurgance of Journey songs it would probably be better as a mn.
  • Journey is not a good choice, IMO.  I like that it has meaning to you, but I'd recommend using it as a middle name instead. 
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  • WOW thanks for all the feedback, i expected most people wouldnt care for it, but everyone? interesting. Well i am still stuck on the name Journey. i think its awesome. I thought about using it as a middle name, but in my opinion it would just get lost and forgotten behind the other names because its not very well recieved. The fact that she has more names would allow her to choose what she would prefer to go by, when she is old enough. and i dont mind that if people dont like Journey, they can just call her Arielle, no biggie..

    Oh, and though im not techinically a fan of the band journey, i do love their songs, so if i get that i really wouldnt mind.

    thanks again, and if you have one...keep the comments comming!

  • I really hope you don't use Journey as a first name.  Poor kid! Use it as a middle name if you must.

    A name isn't just about what you like and think is cool.  It's what your child, who will become an adult, will carry for their entire life.  If I met someone named Journey I would immediately judge them. Unfair? Sure.  But that's life.

    Arielle Rae is lovely.

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  • 1) I hate three names! This poor girl will have to fill out paper work in her life and she will be mad that she never has enough boxes! Also to me, and to me only, I thnk it's trashy.

    2)I think all three names are terrible.

    3) I love that fact that you have meaning behind the first and second middle name. So why not get rid of Ariel? Journey Rae!

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  • imageSunKissed_xoxo:

    I thought about using it as a middle name, but in my opinion it would just get lost and forgotten behind the other names because its not very well recieved. The fact that she has more names would allow her to choose what she would prefer to go by, when she is old enough. and i dont mind that if people dont like Journey, they can just call her Arielle, no biggie..

    Honestly, she may want Journey to get "lost and forgotten."  Sorry. If you don't mind giving her a FN but having her go by a MN, I'd use Journey as a MN and make Arielle her FN.  You can call her Journey when she's young and if she decides she hates it, it's easier for her to use Arielle rather than on the first day of school, every year (and always in life) telling people she goes by Arielle, not Journey,. 

  • imageBlueRidge8:


    She's just a small town girl. Living in a lonely world.

    I thought the exact same thing.....and now I have this song stuck in my head Stick out tongue

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  • I really dislike it. I understand it has meaning to you, but many others are not likely to get or understand it- esp. your daughter when she is young and getting teased for having a weird name. If it's something you feel you must keep, I'd move it to the middle name. 
  • Honestly? Are you sure you want honesty? If I saw this in a birth announcement, I would probably laugh and wonder if you were smoking pot.
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  • imagefeffy11:

    Journey is a 3 out of 10. If you had spelled it Journee, then the name would scream "stripper." Anyway, I do find it to be a bit of a class-less, low-income name (along the lines of Destiny, Trinity, and Liberty). Not first-name material. Would you like some suggestions on alternatives?

    If you are going to use the /AIR-ee-el/ pronunciation, then spell it Ariel. Arielle would be pronounced differently (/ah-ree-ELL/). I personally do not think of the Little Mermaid, especially since it's a middle name. Also, it's a unisex name-- Ariel is historically a boys name.

    I like that you are honoring your husband by using his middle name. I prefer just plain Ray or Rae to the superfluous E at the end of Raye. What purpose does it serve by being there? Would you be interested in using Rayna, or Rayne? Also, I assume the child will be taking the father's surname? IMO, this is honoring the father (& his family).

    Finally, what is your intention with two middle names? Is it a family tradition? Will this be your only daughter/child and so would like extra space to use honorific names? Would you be okay dropping the second middle name on official forms that only allow for one middle name or initial? These are all things you need to ask yourself before using four names (including the child's last name). I'm not against two middle names, but I would like to hear the thought process.


    Ariel/Arielle Ray Lastname

    Ariel/Arielle Journey Ray Lastname

    Arielle is the feminine, Ariel is the masculine...Disney screwed it up - thanks a lot single-handedly made a masculine name from another country, unisex. Smile

    And Journey is a middle name to me. Adventurous, has a story and a personal meaning.

    It's just enough to get voted on the 'bad baby names' thread, but would be a lot worse if it was spelled oddly.

    I'd also like to suggest Rae - the feminine spelling of Ray.

    Although with a feminine first name, the spelling Ray would work too.

    Married! | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! | July 21, 2011
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  • imageSunKissed_xoxo:

    I am 28 weeks pregnant and me and my husband have finally come up with a name for our daughter. We had a hard time on agreeing on anything except for one of the middle names (Raye, which is his middle name Ray), so we decided that she will have three names.

    Journey Arielle Raye

    What do you all think. any honest opinions welcome. I dont plan on telling anyone till she arrives, but im dying to get some anonymous feedback. as far as the reasoning for the names, i chose Journey because i love what it represents. Every endeavor in life is really made worth while by its "journey". Plus it may also mean a traveler. Me and her father love to travel the world and would love to pass that love on to ourkids. Arielle was my husbands choice, i guess he just liked the way it sounds. He want to pronounce and spell it like the little mermaid (ariel), but in order for me to tag my daughter with that name i had to doctor it a little. lol. so it will be prounounced ari-elle, french for lion of god (though the meaning is not significant to the choice). And Raye, of course is a femme version of her fathers middle name.

    So, let me get this straight.  You're concerned about tagging your daughter with the middle name Ariel because you're afraid people will think of a Disney movie, but Journey is ok? (BTW, I'm totally humming "Wheel in the Sky" right now.)

    Ethan Michael - 12/21/09
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  • imageebonis:
    I would go with Arielle as the first name instead of Journey.

    Yes. That's the way to go, IMO.

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  • imageCeridwen21:

    I really hope you don't use Journey as a first name.  Poor kid! Use it as a middle name if you must.

    A name isn't just about what you like and think is cool.  It's what your child, who will become an adult, will carry for their entire life.  If I met someone named Journey I would immediately judge them. Unfair? Sure.  But that's life.

    Arielle Rae is lovely.

    Ditto ALL of this!   And I absolutely love this spelling of Rae...instead of the unnecessary E at the end of Ray.  GL!

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  • imageBlueRidge8:


    She's just a small town girl. Living in a lonely world.

    HAHAHA Thank you! 

  • I don't like Journey. At all. it's kinda.... strippery, along the lines of Candy and Bambi. Arielle Raye is NMS but beautiful on it's own.
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  • Well obviously no one likes it so you shouldnt be surprised when after shes here no one will like it either.... Those who say "oh pretty" are just being nice...

    I feel sorry for your child. I work at a hospital and I see tons of dumb names, trust me we all make fun of them. There is a 5 year old named Heaven Lee Pink.. Her mom tried to explain the "significance" behind it but that doesnt matter. She wont be there to explain it everytime her child goes to the DMV or gets a job...

    Your stuck on it so our opinions dont matter... No wonder you didnt tell friends or family, can you honestly say any of them would like it?

    Whatever though, your kid. Personally Journey NEEDS to be a middle name if you choose it. Can you imagine her having to sign her name later on in life...

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  • imageBlueRidge8:


    She's just a small town girl. Living in a lonely world.

    This was my thought too.  Journey makes me think of the band. 

    I don't see it as a name that will age well.

  • Only because you asked for honesty:

    1. I get that the "name" Journey may be significant to you, but it holds no significance to your daughter. Since she's the one that will have to introduce herself as Journey for the rest of her life, I suggest giving her a name that she isn't forced to explain at every turn with "Mom loves to travel!" Parents should love the names they give their children, and inspiration is a good thing, but they shouldn't make it all about themselves.  

    2. Adding an "e" at the end of Ray looks odd. Just go with Ray, or as pp's have suggested, Rae.

    3. I really hate the three names thing. It just looks like you couldn't make up your mind.

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  • NMS. But every baby name doesn't have to be my style. I think it  will be a nice name.  There is an actress named Journee on Friday Night Lights whom is lovely.
  • I've heard and seen worse, so I just think it's okay. 
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  • I think they're all pretty bad, but if I had to pick one to stick with, it'd be Arielle.

    I don't see the appeal behind Journey at all, and I don't get the fascination with naming your kid after something YOU'RE a fan of. Why does it matter that you love to travel?

    You're picking a name for a human being, not a title for a magazine article. This is something that she'll have to live with for the rest of her life. She may not want to spend that life explaining that her mother was trying to make an original statement on the fact that "life's a journey".

  • Not a fan really.  Arielle Raye is pretty. 

    Someone told me when I was pg with DD to picture their name hanging on a college degree or on a resume.  Does Journey sound professional to you?

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    DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


  • Honestly? It sounds like a stripper name. Please don't condemn your baby to that name. She's going to have to work twice as hard to get as far as someone with a normal name. Can you imagine a Dr. Journey? Or a President Journey? I can't, but I can imagine a stripper Journey and a cocktail waitress Journey and GED recipient Journey. Names are powerful and she'll be stuck with whatever you choose forever. I am reviewing resumes for a receptionist position at my office and I am having such a hard time taking awful names seriously. Her resume would have to be outstanding to get an interview. "Hello. This is Journey, how may I help you?" Next.
  • imageames17:

    1. I get that the "name" Journey may be significant to you, but it holds no significance to your daughter. Since she's the one that will have to introduce herself as Journey for the rest of her life, I suggest giving her a name that she isn't forced to explain at every turn with "Mom loves to travel!" Parents should love the names they give their children, and inspiration is a good thing, but they shouldn't make it all about themselves.

    Thank goodness someone finally said what I was thinking. Seriously - you like travel or whatever, great. That's YOU, not your daughter. You're burdening her for her entire life with a terrible name that she's going to have to explain over and over. Eeek.

    Also, it makes me think you are about 15 years old. The reasoning is juvenile. Like, "Purple is my favorite color so I'll name my daughter Violet" or "I love flowers so I'm naming my daughter Tulip."

    I'm not usually this harsh, but Journey is the worst name I've ever heard, honestly. Sorry.

    ETA: So you don't think I'm a total wench, I went and looked up girl names that are associated with travel and/or a journey, but aren't so literal:

    Beatrice - "voyager"
    Saira - means "traveller" in arabic
    Isra - means "nocturnal journey"
    Odessa - relating to greek "Odyssey"
    Sloane - Irish, "expedition"
    Elida - Norse, "sailor with wings"

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  • imageskio:

    1. I get that the "name" Journey may be significant to you, but it holds no significance to your daughter. Since she's the one that will have to introduce herself as Journey for the rest of her life, I suggest giving her a name that she isn't forced to explain at every turn with "Mom loves to travel!" Parents should love the names they give their children, and inspiration is a good thing, but they shouldn't make it all about themselves.

    Thank goodness someone finally said what I was thinking. Seriously - you like travel or whatever, great. That's YOU, not your daughter. You're burdening her for her entire life with a terrible name that she's going to have to explain over and over. Eeek.

    Also, it makes me think you are about 15 years old. The reasoning is juvenile. Like, "Purple is my favorite color so I'll name my daughter Violet" or "I love flowers so I'm naming my daughter Tulip."

    I'm not usually this harsh, but Journey is the worst name I've ever heard, honestly. Sorry.

    ETA: So you don't think I'm a total wench, I went and looked up girl names that are associated with travel and/or a journey, but aren't so literal:

    Beatrice - "voyager"
    Saira - means "traveller" in arabic
    Isra - means "nocturnal journey"
    Odessa - relating to greek "Odyssey"
    Sloane - Irish, "expedition"
    Elida - Norse, "sailor with wings"

    Odessa and saira are beautiful names...and certainly not common

  • Journey- No -IMO, this is not a name at all. If you really love the meaning, may I suggest something that has the same meaning, but is actually a name?



    Gender: Feminine

    Usage: Arabic

    Other Scripts: ???? (Arabic)

    Means "nocturnal journey", derived from Arabic ??? (sara) "to travel at night".

    Arielle- YesYesYes -Bless you for spelling it correctly



    Gender: Feminine

    Usage: French

    Pronounced: ar-ee-EL  [key]

    French feminine form of ARIEL


    Raye- No -The feminine spelling of Ray is Rae



    Gender: Feminine

    Usage: English

    Pronounced: RAY  [key]

    ...feminine form of RAY.

  • imageskio:

    Beatrice - "voyager"
    Saira - means "traveller" in arabic
    Isra - means "nocturnal journey"
    Odessa - relating to greek "Odyssey"
    Sloane - Irish, "expedition"
    Elida - Norse, "sailor with wings"

    These are lovely suggestions, and I like the more subtle meaning.

    Beatrice Arielle Ray is probably my favorite.

    Married! | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! | July 21, 2011
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  • I don't think Journey is as bad as everyone else. But what about finding a name that MEANS journey?

    FWIW I think Arielle Raye is very pretty.


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  • Not a fan at all!!!!
  • I think the name Journey is cheesy and I think naming your kid Journey because you like to go on journies is extra cheesy, and I know cheesy obvs.
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  • Well, it is totally NMS, but you have obviously put a lot of thought into it.  The flow isn't bad and I think that having the Arielle in there is helpful to feminize it as well as break up the Journey Raye.
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