Seriously, J&A, that was super silly. The giant boob/nipple on FB is not even an issue if people are sending husbands BFing pictures to try to turn them on.
haha! I get what she's trying to say, but I thought that was a crazy stretch. listen, when someone posts a shot of a ginormous boob with areola in full view, on FB, for everyone and their 3rd grade teacher to see, they are ASKING to be discussed. Asking.
Well, I guess that's part of my point. This photo has zero sex appeal. ZERO. It's obviously significant to her as an important moment of bonding with her son, not "look how awesome my tits are."
Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
I get how it might be significant to her but is it significant to her 300 friends on FB? Come on, some things should just be kept private. If it's so significant to her displaying it to a bunch of other people many of hom she probably doesn't really know that well sort of cheapens it, no?
I agree that it's totally not sexual. What it is, is trashy, and something I don't want my priest (who really IS one of my FB friends) seeing in his 'people you may know' list.
AKA KnittyB*tch DS - December 2006 DD - December 2008
That pic is NOT about a bonding moment between her and her son. If it was, she would (EW!) put it in a scrapbook and call it a day.
There is some other intent behind it.
That said, ALL intent is lost when your boob is 2 times the size of your child's head. If she thinks that people are going to look at that pic and see ANYTHING other than the size of her gigantic boob and nipple, she is kidding herself.
I think some BFing pictures can be tasteful--I've seen them, and to be honest, I have no problem with them on FB. Then there are some that are beautiful, and not appropriate. I have one in a picture book of Maile's birth, and it's hands down one of my favorite pictures ever, but few have seen it. I'm not ashamed of it at all, and I've shown a few people, but most people wouldn't want to see it. I'm sitting on the ground, wearing nothing but an open bathrobe, and I'm lifting her to nurse, completely showing one breast and nipple. I'm smiling and staring at her, and DH is in the corner of the pictures with the sweetest face--the picture is absolute perfection, but nothing I'd share on FB.
Re: OMG!!! Some chick with giant tits is texting my husband a BFing photo
I bf both kids for about a year each and DH was ALWAYS more ok about NIP than I was...
I showed him the picture.
"OH MY GOD. ?HOLY BOOB! .... whoa..that's just wrong, is that a BABY under there??" lol
Well not really. It's not my boob out there.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
That pic is NOT about a bonding moment between her and her son. If it was, she would (EW!) put it in a scrapbook and call it a day.
There is some other intent behind it.
That said, ALL intent is lost when your boob is 2 times the size of your child's head. If she thinks that people are going to look at that pic and see ANYTHING other than the size of her gigantic boob and nipple, she is kidding herself.