
Kidney or bladder infection?

Has anyone's DS had one?  What were his symptoms? 

DS has been acting really out of sorts lately, really acting out and being irrational (beyond the typical toddler stuff).  The way he acts if he's sick or in pain.  After about a week, I took him to the pedi to make sure he didn't have an ear infection or something.  He checked out ok, but it's been another week or so now and he's still not acting right.  He hasn't had a fever, but he just acts like he doesn't feel good.  The only things he's complained about are his legs and tummy hurting. 

He's also started having accidents again.  It's been months since he's had an accident, but the past several days he's had one every day, and he's no longer waking up dry in the morning. 

My mom thinks he has a kidney infection.  When my brother was little, he complained of his legs hurting alot and it ended up being one.  He actually had something wrong with his urethra or something that was causing them.  I'm really temped to take him back to the pedi and get a urinalysis, just to rule it out.  I wish I'd thought to ask for one before.



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