DH is taking 2 weeks off when the boys arrive. We just got a new wood fence to make our lives easier with our 2 dogs and eventually help keep the boys contained in the yard when they're older. DH tells me, "I'll just stain the new fence when I'm off for 2 weeks." My response, "The he!! you will!" He has no idea what we're in for. Anyone else have cluesless husband stories?
3/10 IVF #1 TWINS!

Re: Clueless husband
A couple nights ago I said, so you're going to get up in the middle of the night to help me breastfeed sometimes right? His response was something along the lines of, what? How can I help you breastfeed.
Then along with some comments such as, I have to get up to work in the mornings.
Not quite the response I was looking for..
I have wayyyy to many "clueless Mom" stories for me to throw DH under the bus! Neither of us had any idea what we were in for!
hubs is such a positive petey its crazy! hes sooo excited for the boys and claims to be not the least bit nervous/scared/anxious.
either hes a fat liar or naive.
but this could be seen as a plus too, he can keep me on the positive road when im trying to rip my hair out.
i cant say too many bad things...i forgot to mail out his IRS pmt...OOPS
They are very clueless. My DH was bragging to his buddies on the phone how I let him sleep thru the night...and the girls are "easy". well...he spoke too soon.
Next day.... I had a fever of 103...and was puking my brains out...
along with horrible diarrhea. he learned the hard way that I'm not eating bon-bons at 3 in the morning.... He had to care for them for 24 hrs. He then....and only then, had an appreciation for all I do.
first ugh im sorry for puking and pooing...but as far as your DH...HAHAHAHA, i could see mine doing the exact same...
My husband had no clue before the babies were born. His first diaper change was Connor in the hospital and he was never really around babies before.
Our dryer broke when I was pregnant and I told him we needed to get a really good one b/c we are going to be doing a ton of laundry. His reply "What are you talking about? Baby clothes are so small?" He has since admitted that I was right ;-)
Oh my! Glad to see my husband isn't the only clueless one : ) We have 2 dogs (lab mutt 7yrs and min pin 1 1/2yrs) and I can't imagine getting a puppy AND learning how to take care of 2 babies. In fact now that the boys are on the way DH says no puppies again ever...we had a rough time with our min pin. I guess that shows he's learning