
what's the best way to run a string back through a hooded sweatshirt?

Natalie pulled the string out chris's favorite hoodie he wears around the house.  He's been pestering me to fix, but the material is too thick to attach it to a safety pin, b/c I can't grab the safety pin to guide it through from the outside. 

I'm t hinking of tying the string to a chop stick and seeing if that'll get it.  I don't know why he even wants it fixed, he never used the string or the hood for that matter. 

Re: what's the best way to run a string back through a hooded sweatshirt?

  • Safety pin.

    ETA:  I obviously didn't read your post very well.  I need to go to bed.  LOL. 

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • imagemj.reilly:

    Do you crochet? Maybe use a long crochet hook or maybe a knitting needle? (stick the crochet hook through the hole and pull the string through)

    What is the fabric like? Can it be bunched at all so you have less space to go through?

    It's just a thick cotton sweatshirt fabric.  I can't bunch it up enough. 

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  • image-auntie-:
    A large safety pin. You can actually buy a tool to do this at Joann, but the safety pin works better.

    I have said tool.  It sucketh.  Pins work better.  You could also reconfigure a paperclip to do it.

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