We're considering getting dd a trike for Christmas. While searching I
noticed that they make bicycles for age 3 and up. Seeing that, I'm
wondering if she'll only use the trike for 1 year. If that is the case,
I would go with a moderately priced trike as opposed to a more expensive
one. Also, in your opinion..is it important to find a trike that is adjustable or grows with the child? DD is tall and is already too big for the 10inch trikes. Thanks:)
Re: How long do they use a tricycle?
My neighbor's son got a trike for his 2nd birthday and I've never seen him ride it outside, so unless its in their basement its not getting used. Our daughter and her buddy used to just use their cozy coupe cars outside. We never bought her a trike, she had a wagon or the car when we were outside. My Dad got my daughter a bike for her 3rd birthday and she's been getting the hang of it just fine.
I'd get a less expensive one.
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
DD got a trike for xmas last year - she just turned 2. It took her about 3 months to be able to use it - she is short.
Last month she rode a bike with training wheels no problem. Had I known, I would have held out for a bike, not a trike.
But they are SO cute riding a trike. lol It's like a parenting milestone to see it.
We got her the cozy coupe about a year ago and she's never used it, so, for us...it was a waste...guess all children are different. I've heard raves about it, though.
I ordered the schwinn roadster and will keep my fingers crossed that she'll enjoy it for a couple years. Thanks again Mamas:)