Alabama Babies

PSA: Remember Nguyen thanksgiving sale

Some of yall may remember Remember's thanksgiving week sale last year. They had all orders marked down 10% on Monday, 20% on Tuesday, 30% on Wednesday, 40% on Thursday and 50% on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

The sale was great because I got a TON of smocked stuff for K from their sale stuff and ended up only paying around $15 per item.

Anyways, I just called Remember Nguyen (yes, I know, I'm pathetic) and apparently they are going to have the same sale next week. Woo hoo! (note: some of their sizes run large. Just FYI.)

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BabyFruit Ticker
mmc and d&c at 8.5 weeks - 8/23/2010
natural m/c and d&c at 10 weeks - 1/24/2014
DX w/ hetero C677t and A1298C MTHFR - 3/4/2014

Re: PSA: Remember Nguyen thanksgiving sale

  • YAY! Thanks for telling us! I've had a wishlist of stuff there that I've just been waiting on it to go on sale. This makes me very happy!
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  • Whoohoo!! I've got to dress Jaxon while I still can :)

  • Ooo...this got me in trouble last year...first because I spent too much, second because everything I bought was ridiculously big!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That is awesome!  I even checked their website last night to see if they had anything posted about it. 
    Allie ~ 01/26/09 ~ 7 lbs, 9 oz ~ 20.75 in. & Amelia ~ 03/16/11 ~ 8 lbs, 1 oz ~ 21 in.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageSeasideBride06:
    That is awesome!  I even checked their website last night to see if they had anything posted about it. 

    me too! I love RN!

  • imageSeasideBride06:
    That is awesome!  I even checked their website last night to see if they had anything posted about it. 

    I've been checking their website too. Finally I just called them today and asked. Yes, sad, I know!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
    mmc and d&c at 8.5 weeks - 8/23/2010
    natural m/c and d&c at 10 weeks - 1/24/2014
    DX w/ hetero C677t and A1298C MTHFR - 3/4/2014

  • I always go Black Friday shopping with my mom and aunt....starting at 5 am at Wal-mart!  Last year I got up even earlier and made a huge order from RN at 4 something in the morning and then left for the day.  That is crazy! haha!
    Allie ~ 01/26/09 ~ 7 lbs, 9 oz ~ 20.75 in. & Amelia ~ 03/16/11 ~ 8 lbs, 1 oz ~ 21 in.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ugggghhhh! M has basically grown out of the smocked stage {for our style anyhow} but I just wish that we knew the gender for LO#2.

    If only Virginia College hadn't changed their Ultrasound Semester...right now they won't see you until you're 18 weeks+ Originally it was 15 weeks and I planned on signing up for this week actually. Crying  I'm sooooo tempted to buy some little white bubbles or newborn gowns that look gender neutral...

    Lydia, thanks so much for calling!!!

  • Yay I received the email flyer this morning! Big Smile
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