
Did your parents keep any of YOUR toys from childhood?

My mom saved tons of stuff. They saved the GIANT riding horse on springs, several of my little people sets (although most are missing the people), my tea set collection, my cabbage patch dolls, some wooden toys, etc. She also saved my walker (looked like it should go in a museum somewhere) and a tricycle. They have a giant basement they just use for storage.
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Re: Did your parents keep any of YOUR toys from childhood?

  • My Mom saved so much crap.  They have a big ranch house with a full basement that's packed to the rafters.  She brings me tons of stuff every time she visits.

    Unfortunately, my house isn't big enough, so some of this stuff is going to have to GO.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Yep.  Books, some of her favorite clothes, and some toys.  We just got out my old Tinker Toys & Lincoln Logs last week.  My old tea set, the little people doll house (the one w/the yellow roof), the old barn/silo that MOOs when you open the doors....
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  • I answered part of this post in the what will you save for your kids post - lol... So to C&P

    My mom kept WAY too much stuff from my childhood. I moved away and tossed so much of it. I am glad that she kept my tea set from when I was 6. I can remember opening that on Christmas Eve and being SO excited because it was real glass and breakable. I will keep that. I also have a stash of books from my childhood that my kids like.

    She did save my cabbage patch kids too.

  • Nothing. But they divorced and moved when I was in college, so I wouldn't have thought they would.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageKoriBrett:
    Yep.  Books, some of her favorite clothes, and some toys.  We just got out my old Tinker Toys & Lincoln Logs last week.  My old tea set, the little people doll house (the one w/the yellow roof), the old barn/silo that MOOs when you open the doors....

    I am so jealous of your little people house with the yellow roof (it has the attached garage, right?)  I am totally on the lookout for that. . . and the A-Frame.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Yes, TONS of stuff. A full set of Brio trains and all the tracks, all little people sets, tons of building blocks, a dollhouse my dad built with all the dolls and accessories. Its awesome.

    I have her keep the stuff there though in my old bedroom. That way when we go there with the kids i don't have to bring any toys. Entertains them for hours.

  • When we were junior high-ish/HS, my mom had us go through our dolls, Barbies, etc. and decide what we wanted to keep.  The minute I bought a house my mom brought everything to me.  I only kept some of my Barbies and their clothing, Cabbage Patches and their clothing, and my favorite books.

    Now, MIL is a different story.  SHE kept everything.  I mean, EVERYTHING.  Recently she tried to give me a bunch of dresses she made for SIL (from 1982) and asked if my girls wanted to wear them (SIL has no kids).  She saved DH's Sesame Street curtains and asked if we wanted them for DS's room.  She has ALL of their toys.  She's a hoarder.  DH and SIL could care less if they had those things. 

    Mom to DD 6.5 years, DD 5 years, DS 18 months
  • imagehikerbeth:

    Yep.  Books, some of her favorite clothes, and some toys.  We just got out my old Tinker Toys & Lincoln Logs last week.  My old tea set, the little people doll house (the one w/the yellow roof), the old barn/silo that MOOs when you open the doors....

    I am so jealous of your little people house with the yellow roof (it has the attached garage, right?)  I am totally on the lookout for that. . . and the A-Frame.

    I was curious & looked it up on ebay a few weeks ago.  I saw a couple for around $5 or so ;-)

  • I have tons of Barbies/Cabbage Patch Dolls that I kept....I'm not sure what all they parents saved.  My mom has the Little People Barn and Ferris Wheel that we played with & she'll get it out when my kids are there.  I have probably 75+ Barbies/clothes/cars/house that I need to go thru, and probably 30+ collector Barbies/Cabbage Patch Dolls that are still at my bro's house.  

    Shamefully, my room at my bro's house (he lives in the house we grew up in - been in the family about 120 years), is still the way it was when I left for college.....clothes in drawers, hanging in the closet, prom frames out, scrapbooks, bulletin board with a pic of my HS bf hanging on it....all of it.  My bro is a bachelor still (he's 33), and he doesn't need the room, but I keep saying I will come up and clean it out for him, I just keep putting it off. ;)


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