
Re: It's a win for the Palins! Woohoo!

  • They sound super-classy.
    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I know, right? I mean, I know we're talking kids here, and the other kids were talking crap, but a politician's kid should know to not do that stuff. And at least teach them the difference between your and you're!
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  • Ewww!

    I remember being 11-12 when my younger brother called me a "faggot" at my grandma's house.  At the time, I had not idea what one was but I knew the context was bad.   So, when my grandma asked me what was wrong, it took every ounce of restraint for her not to bust out laughing...I could see it through her smirk. 

    By 16, I knew and knew it was derogatory.  And that's ashame that Willow called someone such a name.  You'd think that her parents (with their clout) would have schooled her on the repercussions of the use of such words.  Guess they wish they did now...Palin has no chance in 2012 anyway.

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  • I remember using the word when I was super young...probably 8 or 9. I heard it at school. I didn't know what it meant, just that it was an insult, and I called my brother one. I got in SO much trouble. Though really, I probably got in trouble because I insinuated he was gay, not because I was putting down an entire group of people. Either way, I used it very young, and was corrected. I can't imagine using it at 16, especially being the tea party's favorite candidate's daughter, and think it's perfectly okay.
  • On top of the whole homophobe aspect, how stupid can they be? They should know it's going to get to the press. Maybe they are the "any press is good press" types?
  • Sounds like typical teenage Facebook BS to me, but when you are in the public eye you should know better.  Someone is always watching.

    I'm guessing somebody is going to be grounded from FB for a while.
  • I am not a supporter of gay slurs, but I have certainly heard them from high school students who were not thinking about what they really mean.  We take all the good cuss words away, so they turn to ones that are politically incorrect.  Personally, I would rather hear my child say A$$, than gay or the R word.  I think this is pretty typical 16 year old comment in response to people making fun of them, "Sorry that all you guys are jealous of my families success and you guys aren't goin to go anywhere with your lives."



  • It doesn't surprise me, coming from a teenager in general or that family in particular.  Its disgusting and not at all excusable, but its also sadly, not at all surprising.
  • PC aside, they should just know better. Of all places to spout bs ... FB? They know that mess will at some point make it to the media. Maybe they should really be mad at their mom for dragging them into the public eye & not some random people online.

  • imagefirefightersgal:
    Sounds like typical teenage Facebook BS to me, but when you are in the public eye you should know better.  Someone is always watching.

    I'm guessing somebody is going to be grounded from FB for a while.
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