Hi Ladies,
My boys will be five weeks on Thursday, and I'm still struggling to tandem feed them. If did it successfully, could you give me some tips--such as what to do when one needs to burp but the other is still nursing...I have one who is very efficient and finishes quickly but he also struggles with gas. If I don't burp him quickly, it gets ugly fast.
I guess I'm just looking for any tricks that will make this work for us...the nursing one after another is making me crazy!
Thanks in advance!
Re: Tandem BF Questions
I always used the E-Z 2 Nurse pillow, so this might be specific to that. Whenever one finished eating and needed to burp, I'd just slide my hand under their back/head and sit them up until they were leaning on my shoulder, then I had that hand free to pat their back. This was while the other baby was still nursing.
Are you okay with getting into position with them? I'd recommend making sure that the first baby has a good latch before trying to latch the 2nd baby. If you don't, you'll end up trying to wrestle with 2 babies at the same time to get a latch ; )
Just a side note - Make sure that you're always sitting up nice and straight before bringing the babies to breast. Sometimes I would start slouching to make it easier to get them started, but I'd end up with sore shoulders and back. It makes a world of difference to take the extra minute to make sure you're comfortable!
I use a Boppy pillow and sit up comfortably with one or two pillows first. I try to make sure one has a very good latch first then bring the second to breast. If I'm solo, it's a little bit of an adventure/comedy of errors to burp one while the other continues to nurse. Many times during the process the second DD looses the latch and we start back when the burping is finished.
Good luck!