DH and I are considering the name Aristotle for a boy...with the nickname Ari.
Everyone in the family has turned their nose up at it...saying we should name the kid Richard or John or Robert. All three, awesome names, but we wanted something unique and uncommon. Is the name that bad?
I know, don't listen to family, but I figure the internet won't fail me.
Re: Is it really that bad of a name?
Aristotle is a bit of a mouthful but I always loved Ari. I say go for it. It's your baby. Everyone in the family will survive.
ETA: I know a Socrates who loves his name.
I like Ari, but Aristotle is a bit much. It reminds me of the line from the Philosopher's Drinking Song:
Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle
If you like it, go for it. Just be prepared for many years of defending your choice (especially to strangers lol)
In my opinion, it is that bad.
I like Ari though.
Your only choices aren't Aristotle or Richard/John/Robert- there are plenty of unique and uncommon names that are better than Aristotle.
YOUR desire for a "different" name is sticking your child w/ that name forever. They are the ones who have to go through life w/ that name. All so that you can say "Oh, we didn't use a boring name".
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
Real first name, real nick name. Sure it's a bit much for my personal taste, but geez Louise, it's a real name. If it has personal meaning to you and you both can defend this unique name, then go for it.
And don't feel too bad. They're tastes aren't your tastes. And remember you're also dealing with different generations. Now I would recommend a classic middle name just in case he grows up not liking his name or wants to use something else professionally.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
after anovulatory diagnosis and TTC for 1 1/2yrs with several medicated cycles and one chemical pregnancy, we have our first bundle of joy!
#2 EDD 2/5/13 dx with anti-BIG E antibody, seeing a MFM
I don't take one single minute for granted.
I don't care if the parents have to defend it. I'm worried about the kid. Can you imagine the jokes his peers will make?
Naming isn't about the parents, even though many seem to think its alllll about them. The kid is the one who is stuck with the name for the rest of his life.
Go for it! Aristotle is a cool name and Ari is very suave and sophisticated and I think he would be the cool kid!.
Just make sure you go for a more typical name for mn so he does have options.
I made this comment because I know a couple who named their boy, Ziggariah nn Ziggy, and they both love the name dearly. It's not my style, and when I first heard it, I chuckled. But after meaning the boy, he is very much a Ziggy...adorable and blond with a zest for life. The parents' love of the name rubs off on the child. I've also noticed that the more story a name has to it, the more people are likely to like their own name, which is why I said 'personal meaning'. No one wants to hear, as an adult, that their mom or dad were not really fans of their name. It actually happened to a poster not that long ago. It's a crappy thing to hear.
So I stand by the statement, but if you feel that you're doing the OP a service, I think it would helpful to list ways you can tease Aristotle. It's not likely to come up on teastthisname.com.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
I really can't imagine the jokes. Most kids get teased to some extent but I can't think of any really horrible jokes about Aristotle.
Really? It would be like naming a kid Einstein. When he's older, and kids are learning about Aristotle, he won't hear the end of it. I think it will be even worse when he's an adult.
Of course most kids get teased. but its insane, IMO, to give a kid a name he will almost automatically get teased for. Don't set the poor kid up!
I couldn't do it. I agree that it seems a bit pompous, preppy, and over-the-top. I think Ari is cute, but I probably wouldn't use it a formal name.
Two thumbs up!!
It's Aristotle, not Hannibal for crying out loud!! Sure, the kids are going to hear about Aristotle, but not until 7th grade-ish. And, by that time, all they're going to do is make a nod in Aristotle's direction and maybe ask him if he knew about who Aristotle was before that day in school. Then, they'll move on.
But, Aristotle and Einstein have GOOD/POSITIVE associations. I don't understand where you see the origins for teasing?
I've said it before but the Socrates I know passed his name on to his son because he likes it so much.
I can't come up with anything either...Aristotle hit the bottle? Stotle is such a masculine root to me, and I'm trying to rhyme it with negative things, but I can't come up with much. If there are ways to tease it in the traditional sense (other than the usual, 'ha ha your name is funny', then people should post it.
And there is a difference between naming your child something meaningful and personal and naming your child something because it makes you sound smarter. Time will tell if the OP is one or the other (not that we'll know, but people in their personal lives will).
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
I'd also like to recommend the children's book, Chrysanthemum. It's a good read regarding unique names.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
Agreed. I kind of like it.
And kids will find a way to tease each other. Naming them Vagina will make it easier, but I'm on board with not being able to find a way to tease Aristotle (which is commonly used in Greece to this day, btw). Haha, you're named for a famous philosopher! And?