
If this was YOUR kid...would you be worried?

Everyone is constantly telling me how good a child DS is.

His teachers, his classroom volunteers, his soccer coaches.  Everyone constantly sings his praises about how quiet he is and well behaved and well mannered.

At home though, he's WILD.  He gets very very angry when he's told something he doesn't want to hear (i.e., no you can't play on the computer right now) and is starting to talk back to me.  I mean, at least he says "no ma'am!" instead of just "no".  But still. 

He seems to get angry a lot too.  He was talking with the counselor at school about issues concerning his dad but I'm not sure the "sessions" are helping.  Would you be concerned? 

Re: If this was YOUR kid...would you be worried?

  • Are you concerned because he acts better/differently when your not around? No, I wouldn't worry about that. IME thats very normal.
  • My oldest (6) has always been an ANGEL at school.  She's much better since she started kinder, but her preschool teachers would have been shocked at her behavior at home.  She could throw down an hour+ long screaming fit like no other, sass with the best of them.  In short, yes, I think it is very normal for some kids to act great where they "need" to, but push the envelope in the safe environment of home. 
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  • Nope.  From what I understand, it's normal for them to be on good behavior in school and not so good at home.  Sometimes I think they just save it all up and let it out at home.  They're also move comfortable to let loose at home too.
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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