we chose one set of godparents for our twins because we wanted them to be treated fairly.. we didn't want one baby to be spoiled by their godparents while the other one felt left out if their godparents weren't as involved...
their godmother has a favorite and always verbally says how DS is her favorite baby... I know DD is too young to understand but it really hurts my feelings.. and kind of defeats the purpose of only choosing one set!!! would you say something or just let it go?
Re: WWYD re godmother
i would let her know that it's normal to feel connected more to one baby - but to please never voice it again, and never make it obvious so they don't notice it.
it's an issue we all go through... not just with twins but anyone with 2+children.... and it sucks.
I would most definitely say something.
Funny enough, that's the reason I chose separate godparents.
I think you should say something. How about, "It makes me sad for DD when you say that, and I hope you see how awesome they both are as time goes on." If that doesn't get your point across, admit that it makes you wonder if you should have picked separate godparents for the twins to prevent DD from feeling like second best in her own godmother's eyes.
well said!!
This totally! Why would someone say this!?!
I agree... this is well said.