There's a camo jeep up the street for me (for real!). I noticed today they have big stick on letters across the back window "I killed a FAG." Just like that. And that's what I have to deal with in redneckville.
I would hope that a bumper sticker bragging about a hate crime is not protected under the 1st amendment. What if someone had a bumper sticker that said "I killed a N*****" or "I killed a JEW"? I cannot fathom that's legal. And if it is. Well....fvck.
It wasn't pre-made--they had obviously done it with those sticky vinyl letters. But if you could find something like it--you can find it around here. I always see "Beck/Hannity 2012" and "Thank GOD for Fox News" stickers around here.
Wow, that's just awful! I heard some interesting comments and saw some interesting signs and bumper stickers when we were visiting DHs family in KY this summer, but nothing that awful!
Re: DISGUSTING bumper sticker I saw today (re: homosexuality)
the driver must be a real'd ya let that one get away?
Kentucky scares me.
I would hope that a bumper sticker bragging about a hate crime is not protected under the 1st amendment. What if someone had a bumper sticker that said "I killed a N*****" or "I killed a JEW"? I cannot fathom that's legal. And if it is. Well....fvck.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.