DD is pretty good at sounding out words and writing them, or will ask me to spell something. Just recently she thinks it is fun to write things backwards, the teacher in me screams "No learn it the right way" but the mom in me says she is just playing and having fun. Is this just a stage and something to ignore and let her play or should I stop it and tell her to write them the right way which I know she can do?
Re: Writing things backwards on purpose?
She's 4? I think its amazing that she's writing anything. At 4 years old, DS would write something like
ejnwfiEWUKLdcnweifcn Fiwefnwe fdiuefhe FCEDvcniwef
Then tell me it said, "Today I went to the store and I saw a dog"
Let her write backwards
Yep she can write, but she still can't pedal a bike:) She is good at sit down stuff and horrible at anything gross motor related, DS can pass her up on a big wheel:) Funny how they are all good at random things.
I am so happy to read this. dd is 4.5 and has no interest in her bike... .she won't even try. I think I've caught her on her brother's tricycle once. she immediately stopped and went on to something else. just no interest. but sit her down with books or dolls or animals and she's set for the day.