Hey! i have my NT tmrw. It will only be my second sonogram and im so terriffied that they will say my baby doesnt have a HB or something.
Im also worried that my insurance wont cover it. I have Blue cross blue shield Federal employee. I need to call but they make it such a hassle. did your insurance cover? what to expect?
wish me luck
DS Desmond Alexander 6.9.11
DD Vivienne Elena 12.16.13
? EDD 3/29/2018
Re: NT tmrw. worried. insurance cost?
I know it's a hassle, but call your OBs office, get the codes they use for billing your insurance for the NT scan. Then call your insurance company with the specfic codes to find out if it will be covered.
Try to relax about the ultrasound itself and get excited to see your baby.
DS Desmond Alexander 6.9.11
DD Vivienne Elena 12.16.13
? EDD 3/29/2018