I need some help finding fitted diapers that I can use with a snappi. Im leaning towards fitted and prefold for the my nb stash. What have you used? Where can I find them?
I'm a newbie to CDing, but our fitteds (Kissaluvs and BG Bamboo) are self-closing. I guess I just assumed that all fitteds are. Ours look just like disposable diapers minus the waterproof outside , so we'll put covers over them.
Thank you so much ladies. Im going to start looking at all your suggestions and start comparing. Im hopping that if i use a snappy with them ill be able to get a better fit.
Re: Question about fitted diapers.
I'm a newbie to CDing, but our fitteds (Kissaluvs and BG Bamboo) are self-closing. I guess I just assumed that all fitteds are. Ours look just like disposable diapers minus the waterproof outside , so we'll put covers over them.
We're only going to use Snappis on prefolds.
More Green For Less Green
I believe Kissaluvs, Goodmama Simples, Bububebe, and The Raven Tree all make fitteds without snaps.
I am sure there are a ton more.
More Green For Less Green
that's my feeling. I don't use fitteds, but even with my pockets I much prefer aplix to snaps so I can adjust the fit better.
I have heard good things about Little Fancy Pants on Hyena Cart, but I haven't tried them myself. https://hyenacart.com/littlefancypants/
ETA: sbish also has some snapless fitteds https://sloomb.myshopify.com/collections/cloth-diapers/products/snapless-multi-contrasts