
needed: freakin' cool newborn photos!

can you share your experiences with picture people?jcpenney and sears are affordable, but my husband and i were looking for a cooler more contemporary photo session for our newborn.  we'd use a professional photographer but they're a little on the pricey side, and to get an image cd you have to pay an arm and a leg.  sheesh.  we though picture people would be a happy compromise!  photo sheets are okay, but we're really just looking for access to our images on a cd.  the picture people lady on the phone marketed a holiday photo package that includes the high resolution cd. but before i spend $210 on all these pictures + the cd, i want to make sure other peeps have been pleased with their work.  any feedback is helpful:) if you have other photo referrals in nj, we'll take those too! thanks...
*love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place. (zora neale hurston)* Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Re: needed: freakin' cool newborn photos!

  • If you want good work, you have to be willing to pay for it.  A lot of photographers are not willing to part with the copyright releases for CDs for numerous reasons.   

    Maybe you can find someone who is portfolio building as they are usually more budget friendly.

    Good luck, and congrats on your newborn! 

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • It's all going to depend on the photographer you get at pp. Newborn sessions, in particular, take a lot of time and patience. Picture People, ime, rushes people in and out. If your baby is cooperative you might get some decent shots, but if he's fussy and he can't be soothed within their timeframe, you're out of luck. My newborn sessions last a minimum of two hours. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you're looking for the sleepy newborn shots and your baby is more than a couple weeks old, you're most likely not going to get them. Babies just aren't as "pliable" beyond that point. I ditto r9 - this is a situation where you get what you pay for. Perhaps you can find someone who is portfolio building. Congrats on the new baby!
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  • I would suggest maybe portrait innovations if there is one in your area.  they take lots of pictures and I have seen some really great newborn posses that they have done.  Plus you can narrow down your pictures.  The smallest "package" you can get and still get the CD is 3 poses.  With 3 posses you get 9 sheets of pictures any size you want, a free 10x13 collage and the CD for 69.99 +tax. 

    We have gone to portrait innovations a couple times, most of the times we have been happy with their work, but there was one time we got an awful photographer, but that's the chance you take.  Good luck.

    you can also check out their website and see if they are in your area.

  • Please, I beg of you, if you want good work...hire a real photographer. PP is not a "real photographer"'s a salesperson who has been trained to push a button.


    $210 is cheap for pictures....if you want decent, professional results you have to pay for them.



  • And, as an added note, you are not buying "copyright"...copyright always remains with the person who took the picture by law. You are purchasing personal reprint rights. 
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