I just started putting the girls in a 2xs/wk Mother's Day Out program at a local church daycare.In the past 3 wks, DDs have had stomach bugs, an ear infection, and one round of Roseola.
Just curious if your LOs also got sick (more) often due to daycare??I really like the program but feel they've picked up a bug every week so far...
Re: Daycare/LOs Sick Often?
My friend and I share the same ped. Her DS is 7wks older than my girls. He has been sick ALOT since he started DC at 4mos. Our ped says that this is normal for DC babies, but that this coming year (cold/flu season) should be much better for him.
I think it's also the age of the baby. If they're mobile it's harder to stop cross contamination.
Our girls aren't in daycare, but our nephew is. Our kids have gotten sick after seeing him 3 times in the last few months, including a horrible stomach/intestinal virus in August which SIL confirmed his whole daycare had : (
ETA: Sorry, should have clarified that nephew has been sick a TON since he started DC about 6 months ago. Constantly has had colds, ear infections, viruses, fevers.
Most likely because they're older and not putting everything in their mouths like babies do, or rubbing snot in their eyes and all over everything else ; )
a good friend of mine has his 2 kids home with his MIL every day - and they get sick all the time - more than my kids even! But yes- most kids in daycare or any type of program where they are with a lot of other kids will get more sick- usually the first year... then it slows down a lot.
if they aren't in daycare or any programs- they'll be sick their first year of kindergarten - so it all evens out (i used to teach K and all the daycare kids were fine- all the SAH kids were sick that year)
My niece is 3 mos older than Maeve and she is sick all the time. Has had about 8 or 9 ear infections and misses about 1 day per week from DC due to some kind of illness. January will be the 1 year mark from when she started DC. Maeve stays home with a sitter, and , knock on wood, has never even had so much as a fever...
I attribute a lot of illnesses to the DC- its just too hard to keep kids germ free. Even though Maeve likes to put everything in her mouth, it is only her germs that she is getting in there- KWIM?
This doesn't really add up to me... I SAH, our oldest is in his 2nd year of part-time preschool (this year it's M,W,F) and has been fine from an illness perspective. He only got sick probably twice last year (knock on wood!). Again, I think older kids who wash their hands after using the bathroom and before snacking shouldn't be getting sick all that much.
ditto Goldie.
My son, who is now 12... i had in daycare for about 3 years. From about 10 mos. to 2/3. He was sick a lot. Ear infections.... tons of them... sore throat, fever, flu, stomach bugs....vomiting, diarrhea...and on and on. Now? and in grade school? He was never sick. I think he was immune to all that junk because he had already worked thru it. It does stink...and you do feel (well, I did anyway) guilty for having them there. you hope that the providers use good handwashing and people who have sick kids keep them home.
My twins started daycare 3 days a week at 20 months. The first 3 months were horrible. Every single week, someone had either a fever, cold, bug, etc. We even had a hospital stay of RSV. By the end of the 3rd month, things got a LOT better. They still get sick here and there, but nothing like the beginning.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***