
How to treat..and when to go to doc?

For 3 days Rowen had 102.5 fever but no symptoms. This morning fever went away but now he is complaining of a sore throat. First how do I treat a sore throat for a 3 year old? And how do I know when or if to take him to the doctor? WWYD?

Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07

Re: How to treat..and when to go to doc?

  • I think I could call the doctor on Monday to make sure it isn't strep.  Hope he feels better soon.
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  • I've been trained by my husband who is a physician to brush everything off as "it's probably viral.  it'll run its course." but, I still have just enough layman insecurities that make me question that rationale when it comes to my own kids.  For the fever, I alternate Tylenol/Motrin.  Should help with the sore throat too.  Have you looked in his throat?  Are there ulcers or exudate on his tonsils?  We usually wait stuff out 5 days or so since 99.9% of the time it is viral and runs its course in that time frame.  But I have been known to whisk them off to the pedi for a strep/flu test....and every time I've been wrong and the results have been negative. 
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