Some time ago, I posted on TTCAL, but I think TTC After 35 might be a better fit for me, since I will be 36 in two months, and I'm definitely feeling the stress of getting older, and TTC. The majority of my friends have at least one child, and many are on their second pregnancy. I am very happy for my friends, and love spending time with their kids, but inside, I feel really sad, and it's difficult to share this or relate with others. It feels like I am always at a baby shower, buying a baby gift, or hearing about a new pregnancy, and I feel like some how I am being kept out of "the club".
We have been TTC for 15 months and had one miscarriage last February. It's really hard not to get discouraged at this point, and I get tired of riding the rollercoaster every month of "am I pregnant or not". This month it seems like my chart is good (temps, signs, etc.), and I know I have a few more days until the end of my typical luteal phase. It's just so hard to wait, and then be disappointed. I'm also overweight and that is a constant internal battle of should I take a break and focus on weight loss, or keep TTC? My doctors seem to think we are fine to keep trying, since we've had a full work up, and the only issue is that I have slightly elevated estrogen levels.
Sorry this intro is so long. I hope to get to know more of you on the board, and best wishes to all of you on your TTC journey.
Re: Hi everyone--an introduction
Welcome to the board -- and here's hoping you don't stay here long. Just want to say, I hear you. I think trying again after a miscarriage and not succeeding is its own special frustration (one I know all too well) because you keep thinking "well, it happened once, so why isn't it happening again?" I know I thought after mine that we'd get pregnant again quickly...and no dice.
For what it's worth, I stopped temping two cycles ago because it was just making me crazy. My RE's office actually just told me that they discourage temping because it's too "old school" (I swear that's what the nurse said). Of course, if you're TTC'ing naturally that's another matter. All best to you!
Welcome to the board! I'm from the Bay Area originally and lived in SF for 4 years after college. Its far and away my most favorite city. Lucky you!
I totally hear you on the frustrations. Most of my friends have their children or seem to get pregnant so easily. A lot of my friends that got married later in life like me (i've been married 2.5 years) are also having their first or second child. I'm definitely feeling impatient.
This board is great. Very supportive. It can move a little slow sometimes so I post on other boards too... when I feel like it. But this is where I feel most comfortable. Best of luck to you and again, welcome!
Welcome. This is a great board full of wonderful supportive women.
I was doing the should I or shouldn't I with the weight loss thing as well, and the truth is, you can do both. I just keep telling myself that I'm making sure I'm as healthy as I can be before I get pregnant so that I can have the healthiest pregnancy possible.
Good luck to you!! I hope you'll be getting your BFP soon.
I'm 35 going to be 36 this summer, Just got married 2 months ago (hubby is 37). We deceided to go for it just last week, we thought we would wait a little longer but we'd really like to be parents before we're 40. We are really going to start trying in the new year. I live in Alberta and most of my friends are younger so I don't feel the pressure but it's definitly on my brain.
Good Luck!