DH and I are set to cloth diaper, our newborn stash has been purchased and is ready to go, and we are not hesitant at all about this decision.
But the comments... ugh. I usually just say "oh, with the new styles of cloth diapers it is really easy, I can bring one and show you... blah blah" to deal with the comments from family/friends. The issue comes in at work- it is customary at my job for everyone to get together for a "pampers party" to celebrate the soon to be new baby and people bring in diapers to give to the new parents. We have had 3 of these Pampers Parties in the past 2 months. Now work is wanting to plan mine... and I'm of course the odd ball that has to go against the grain.
I was thinking of handling it this way- "I would love for us to get together for cake/ice cream, but we are not needing any diapers. If you would like to bring them though I will happily donate them to the XX-town women's shelter." This way I am not saying that I don't want a gathering, and I am not requesting people look at my registry? (If people bring in any Seventh Gen I might keep those, ha)
Re: Work party/cloth diaper question
I think you've gotten some great suggestions. I don't think saying you will donate them to a shelter is appropriate, at all, to be honest. If there's someone in charge of these parties or a coworker that you are closer with, inform them, but announcing a donation seems pretty darn rude!
I would also like to throw out the idea that you may actually want/need some. Adjusting to a newborn is a tough job, finding CD that are the best for your baby and your family can be a challenge. There may be times of illness or infections where having a disposable option would be nice. I would somehow bring the fact that your are CDing into the picture, but I wouldn't rule out the idea that you may actually use some sposies either.
This for sure!