Cloth Diapering

Work party/cloth diaper question

DH and I are set to cloth diaper, our newborn stash has been purchased and is ready to go, and we are not hesitant at all about this decision.

But the comments... ugh. I usually just say "oh, with the new styles of cloth diapers it is really easy, I can bring one and show you... blah blah" to deal with the comments from family/friends. The issue comes in at work- it is customary at my job for everyone to get together for a "pampers party" to celebrate the soon to be new baby and people bring in diapers to give to the new parents. We have had 3 of these Pampers Parties in the past 2 months. Now work is wanting to plan mine... and I'm of course the odd ball that has to go against the grain.

I was thinking of handling it this way- "I would love for us to get together for cake/ice cream, but we are not needing any diapers. If you would like to bring them though I will happily donate them to the XX-town women's shelter." This way I am not saying that I don't want a gathering, and I am not requesting people look at my registry? (If people bring in any Seventh Gen I might keep those, ha)


Re: Work party/cloth diaper question

  • I got some dipes as a shower present and just returned them all to Target (I was registered there).  I would either not say anything, then return or donate the dipes, or I would say "thanks for the celebration, but we don't need any dipes since we are CDing, I am looking forward to cake and ice cream!"
  • I wouldn't say anything and just exchange what you can and donate the rest. I think it's not up to honorees to dictate the terms of the generosity of others. Just let them do their thing -- it's a gift, not a transaction.
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  • I would probably let a close coworker know that we are cloth diapering.  Then that person may pass the word.  If not, accept graciously and donate/return.  
  • Sounds good. Thanks for the input ladies!
  • I understand what others said about not saying anything b/c its a gift BUT if I was one of your coworkers I would want to know that you couldn't use them so I didn't waste my money on them.  I think most people would rather buy something you could use anyways.  I would try and discretely spread the word that you are CDing, maybe tell a close coworker or 2.
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  • I like your idea...   They prob started these diaper parties to help people... one would think your coworkers would want to help you.  Just let them know you would donate them, which is really nice of you, but my guess is most people would buy you something else...
  • I think you've gotten some great suggestions. I don't think saying you will donate them to a shelter is appropriate, at all, to be honest.  If there's someone in charge of these parties or a coworker that you are closer with, inform them, but announcing a donation seems pretty darn rude!

      I would also like to throw out the idea that you may actually want/need some.  Adjusting to a newborn is a tough job, finding CD that are the best for your baby and your family can be a challenge.  There may be times of illness or infections where having a disposable option would be nice.  I would somehow bring the fact that your are CDing into the picture, but I wouldn't rule out the idea that you may actually use some sposies either.


  • imageKim72508:
    I would probably let a close coworker know that we are cloth diapering.  Then that person may pass the word.  If not, accept graciously and donate/return.  


    This for sure!

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  • I would tell someone honestly, if its just one or two packages then that is one thing but an entire party? I wouldn't want that, its too much. I would just say I would love a party to celebrate but don't need the diapers thanks!
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