Baby Names

Help with boys names

My husband and I are expecting our first child. We haven't found out if we're having a boy or girl yet, but we have discussed baby names we like. The girl name is pretty much decided since she would be named after our grandmothers. Our girl name is Lillian Mae. For a boy, we have a couple of names we like, but we haven't found a middle name that we love. Please give me your thoughts on our girl name and thoughts/suggestions for the following boys names:

Harold ("Harry")





 Thank you ladies!




Re: Help with boys names

  • I LOVE your girl name!

    I don't really care for any of your boy names though. I guess if I had to choose, I would go with Thomas or Graham.

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    Logan David 03.27.08
    Jacob Riley 05.18.09
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  • I like all the names except for Harold.  Good choices!
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  • Like Lillian not like Mae at all Thomas

    Samuel is ok

    Henry eh

    Harold ugh no

    Graham way too trendy at the moment

  • I'd go with Thomas or Graham. Definitely not Harold. Good picks though :)
    TTC #2 since 09/2016
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  • I love Henry and Thomas.
  • I love the combination Henry Thomas!

    Samuel is also okay.  I'm not a fan of Harry (plus, it seems too easy to make fun of him in middle school).  I don't like Graham either (all I think of is graham cracker)  

    CafeMom Tickers
    CafeMom Tickers
  • I like Lillian Mae alright. I adore Mae as a MN, and I think Lillian is okay. NMS, but not a bad name or anything.

    I love Henry and Graham! My pick from your list would be either:

    Henry Graham

    Henry Thomas

    Harold Graham (LOVE Harry!)

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  • my nephew's name is thomas so i'm partial. henry would be my 2nd choice.
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  • I think your girl name is so sweet!  I also love all your boy names, except maybe Graham.  I think Thomas, Henry and Samuel are wonderful names for a little boy and will be great his whole life!
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  • Well I guess you are looking for a middle name mainly. Out of the names you have in mind I like Samuel but the other are not good enough for me (sorry don't mean to be rude) When I was pregnant with my son I always felt that I was going to have a boy so I started looking for names but one caught my attention one day. GIANCARLO. I chose that name because is so different than a lot of names out there. Now I'm expecting a girl and the problem for me is finding a name that I really like for my little girl.
  • Thank you for the feedback on the names. My DH has two other boys names that he likes, so we will probably go with one of those if we find out we are having a boy.
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