DD had her regular dental checkup today. She's been every 6 months since she turned 3--so it was her fourth visit. We go to a pediatric place so they are used to dealing with kids.
First time--was completely fine
Second time--cried so hard they could barely even look at her teeth, no cleaning took place
Third time--cried the entire time (sobbing, etc) but at least let them in her mouth to clean and get checked out
Fourth time (today)--sobbed, mostly quietly, but got her teeth cleaned and examined
Here's my question, how does your "under 5 yo" do at the dentist? The hygienist kept asking me what I thought was wrong. I told her it was probably nerves. She kept saying, "I think she's tired--she's acting tired."
I'm sure DD isn't the typical dental patient, but surely it isn't unheard of for her to be a little nervous at the age of four. I was sort of put off by the hygienist. I'm thinking, "DD is four, I'm not surprised she's nervous. Just get in there, do your business and finish up."
We prepped DD the best we could, talking about it beforehand--reminding her that she was perfectly fine (we have a picture of her on the fridge with the dentist) last time, no need for tears, it doesn't hurt.
I'm venting, but also wondering if DD is the only under 5 yo to be a little nervous to go to the dentist.
Re: How does your kid do at the dentist?
"first" time was when she was 2.5--she just came to an appointment with me to meet the dentist.
first real appointment at age 3--she had to sit on my lap to get it done.
second appointment at age 3.5--I sat beside her and held her hand.
third and fourth appointments--I just sat beside her while she was done.
She really looks forward to going to the dentist. I think it's great because I had a crappy pediatric dentist and now I hatet he dentist.
DD is great, she loves going. The only problem we have with her is that she wants to know how everything works so she won't shut up. Ended up squirting the water & sucking it out herself, they showed her how to work the wands.
Is yours scared of the big chair & light? Try sunglasses for that maybe? What does she say when you ask what she's scared of?
Ds has been having his teeth cleaned since two and loves it, BUT ....I am his hygienist.
I will say that most kids do well having their teeth cleaned and rarely do I get a child that cries. That may be because we don't push the issue if they don't want to, but most will let us in their mouth anyways. A little nervous or uncertainty is totally normal. Crying is not usual.
So, from reading your post, I am wondering if she is picking up on cues from you. Just saying that after reading that you said you weren't surprised she was nervous. When talking about it with her beforehand, keep it light and do not use the word "hurt"or anything like it. That just gets their wheels turning. Do you have any dental phobia? You would be amazed at what unintentional vibes you give off and they pick up on. Also, did she have any work done after that first cleaning?
I just asked her what she was afraid of and she said she doesn't like it when they brush her teeth. I have NO idea what that means. (she can't tell me either) She lets me, DH and Grandma brush her teeth without issue. They give them sunglasses to wear.
I have never had a problem with the dentist and try to make sure I'm not nervous. She sort of clammed up in the waiting room and wanted to sit in my lap--her lip quivered, her eyes teared up. I was trying to make light conversation, asking about her day at school, etc. not focusing on what was coming up.
So it sounds like it's mostly my kid...FWIW, she went through a phase when she was about 2 where any time her name was called in a waiting room she cried...including when she got her hair cut. She's just a nervous/cautious kid--and no, I never tell her that or say anything like that around her. She's just always been like that. No visit is ever a surprise but we don't prep her for it too far in advance to dwell on it either.
**Sigh** I was hoping this dentist fear phase was behind us. Hell, someone from HER dentist came to daycare to talk to her class just last week. I hope she grows out of it for the next visit.
He does fine, but his first time was to my FIL's office and the other times he's been to the dental school where DH attends. He's used to his daddy brushing his teeth and we talk with him about it before hand.
I'm sure it was nerves. If we didn't have dentists in the family, he would probably act like your DD.
Why not go in there when she doesn't have an appt? Just a suggestion, but maybe you and her could make cookies and drop some off to the office. Then she gets to know them on a different level and maybe the place will be less intimidating?
She will get over it. She may not ever love going (and that's totally normal!), but she'll get over it and will be fine.
My 4 year old was EXACTLY like yours during his trips to the dentist. One time, he cried so much that we stopped midway through and just agreed to return in six months and try again. He's very nervous/cautious about everything, especially dentists and doctors. Seriously, I could have written this post. I have a feeling they will do much better next time though. At least, let's hope so.